Procedure : After taking permission of fifth avashyak from spiritual master recite namokar mantra, Samayik sutra(karemi Bhante..) , Ichhami Thami, Tassuttari Karan Sutra. Then in the posture of kayotsarg (detachment from the body) in mind meditate on hymn in obeiscence and appreciation of twenty four Tirhtankars (Chaturvinshati Stava).
In the pratikraman of likely faults in activities during the day and pratikraman of activities during the night loguss (Chaturvinshtin Stava) is meditated four times, in pratikraman of fortnight eight times, in quarterly pratikraman twelve times and in annual (Samvatrari) pratikraman loguss is meditated twenty times.
The kayotsarg is concluded by uttering namokar namtra once. Then loguss is recited loudly. Thereafter bowing to the spiritual master in obiscence recite the aphorism of Ichhami Khamasamano twice in the manner already mentioned. Thus fifth avashyak is completed.
II jan 31tagech Hiųuf II || Fifth Aavashyak Concluded ||
पंचम अध्ययन : कायोत्सर्ग
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Shravak Avashyak Sutra