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इस ग्यारहवें प्रतिपूर्ण पौषध व्रत के पांच अतिचार हैं जो ज्ञेय हैं, पर आचरणीय नहीं हैं। वे पांच अतिचार इस प्रकार हैं-(1) शय्या-संस्तारक की प्रतिलेखना न की हो अथवा विधिपूर्वक प्रतिलेखना न की हो, (2) शय्या संस्तारक की प्रमार्जना न की हो, अथवा उचित विधि से । प्रमार्जना न की हो, (3) मल-मूत्र त्याग करने के स्थान की प्रतिलेखना न की हो अथवा उचित विधि से प्रतिलेखना न की हो, (4) मल-मूत्र त्यागने के स्थान की प्रमार्जना न की हो, अथवा उचित विधि से प्रमार्जना न की हो, एवं (5) पौषध व्रत को शास्त्रोक्त विधि से पालन न किया हो, तो मैं उसकी आलोचना करता हूं। दिवस संबंधी मेरा वह अतिचार मिथ्यो हो।
Exposition: The eleventh vow of paushadh (complete fast and highly restricted movement) is practiced for 24 hours (full day and full night). The practitioner does not take any meals, drinks, sweets and articles of fragrance during that period. He also completely avoids sex and suchlike activities. I accept this vow. I further shall not wear any jewellery, garlands, fragrant articles, paste or cream. I shall avoid weapons and wooden rod to grind any thing. I withdraw from all the activities that generate violence. I discard for 24 hours mentally, orally and physically the use of such articles and shall not inspire others for them. Such is my determination and faith for this vow. During Paushadh I shall engage myself completely in self-purification.
There are five likely faults that may occur in practice of this eleventh vow of paushadh. They are as under : (1) I may not have examined my bedding or may not have cleaned it properly
or examined it. (2) I might not have cleaned my bedding or might not have cleaned it properly. (3) I might not have examined the place meant for discarding urine and excreta
or might not have examined it properly. (4) I might not have cleaned the place meant for discarding urine and excreta
or might not have cleaned it properly (5) I might not have practiced the vow of paushadh in the manner mentioned
in the code. I feel sorry for all such faults. I condemn them may my faults committed be condoned.
विवेचन : पौषध श्रमणत्व का अभ्यास है। चौबीस घण्टे के लिए श्रावक पौषध की आराधना द्वारा श्रमणत्व की भूमिका में विहार करता है। चतुर्थ अध्ययन : प्रतिक्रमण
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Shravak Avashyak Sutra