anslassleeple.slesaleslesaleshe sakestastesleasle skesta slesslesalesakssistassle skesaksesalesalestestskestesslesalesalesalestrolesalese seskaree
the aphorism indicate that in case the shravak intends to remain in one samayik he should utter one muhurat or two gharies and for two samayiks, he should say two muhurat or four gharies. He should increase the number of muhurats according to the number of samayiks.
A monk discards all the sinful activities for entire life mentally, orally and physically in all the three ways namely by doing, getting done and appreciating the sinful act that is done. But it is not possible for shravak to-act in this manner. He has to discharge responsibility towards his family, society and the religious organization. In order to properly perform such duties, he has to incur certain acts involving violence to living beings. In the aphorism, the words are 'duvihum tivihum'. It means I shall neither do myself nor get done acts of violence mentally verbally and physically. Here he has not discarded appreciation of such acts because in his business such acts of violence are already being done. His involvement is already there indirectly. Even during the period when a shravak is in samayik, his worldly business is functioning. So, it is not possible for a shravak to detach himself from appreciation or in supporting such acts.
. विधि : तत्पश्चात् आत्मशुद्धि के लिए निम्नलिखित 'संक्षिप्त प्रतिक्रमण सूत्र' का उच्चारण करना चाहिए
Procedure: Thereafter for self-purification he should recite short pratikraman given below
संक्षिप्त प्रतिक्रमण सूत्र इच्छामि ठामि काउस्सग्गं जो मे देवसि अइयारो कओ, काइओ, वाइओ, माणसिओ, उस्सुत्तो, उम्मग्गो, अकप्पो, अकरणिज्जो, दुज्झाओ, दुचिंत्तिओ, अणायारो, अणिच्छियव्वो, असावगो-पावगो, णाणे तह सणे, चरित्ता-चरित्ते सुय सामाइए, तिण्हं गुत्तीणं, चउण्हं कसायाणं, पंचण्हं अणुव्वयाणं, तिण्हं गुणव्वयाणं, चउण्हं सिक्खावयाणं, बारस्स विहस्स सावग-धम्मस्स जं खंडियं, जं विराहियं, तस्स मिच्छा
मि दुक्कड।
भावार्थ : (कायोत्सर्ग में प्रवेश करने से पूर्व श्रावक आत्मा की शुद्धि के लिए दिन में लगे हुए संभावित दोषों से पीछे हटने की प्रतिज्ञा करता है-)
मैं दिवस संबंधी दोषों से निवृत्त होने के लिए कायोत्सर्ग करना चाहता हूं। मैंने मन, वचन, काय संबंधी किसी अतिचार का सेवन किया हो, उत्सूत्र की प्ररूपणा की हो, उन्मार्ग में गमन
श्रावक आवश्यक सूत्र
// 207 // parmanaspapparaspaspreparasp
Ist Chp. : Samayik