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who is in a state of anger or lust or who has any such bad qualities. The householder who is practicing ekasana can move from his place of taking meals to another place on the arrival of such a person and his resolve shall not considered as disturbed or adversely affected.
Aauntan-pasarenum (Aakunchan-pasarenum) In case a person practicing vow of ekasan while taking meals moving his hand, feet and other limbs of the body changes that place or position, his vow shall not be considered as broken. But he should not get up from that place during meals.
Guru-abhuthanenum In case the practitioner of ekasan resolve stands up on the arrival of senior monk as a monk of respect for them, his vow shall not be considered disturbed.
In case a householder observing ekasana recites this sutra, he should not utter 'parithavaniyagarenum' since this exception is not allowed for him.
एकस्थान (एकलठाणा) प्रत्याख्यान, सूत्र उग्गयसूरे एगलठाणं पच्चक्खामि, तिविहंपि आहारं-असणं, खाइम, साइमं, अन्नत्थणाभोगेणं, सहसागारेणं, सागारियागारेणं, गुरुअब्भुट्ठाणेणं, पारिठावणियागारेणं, महत्तरागारेणं, सव्वसमाहिवत्तियागारेणं वोसिरामि॥ ____ भावार्थ : सूर्योदय के पश्चात् एक स्थान पर एक ही मुद्रा में बैठकर किए जाने वाले एकासन व्रत की प्रतिज्ञा अंगीकार करता हूं। उसके लिए अशन, खादिम एवं स्वादिम रूपी तीन प्रकार के आहार का त्याग करता हूं।
अनाभोग, सहसाकार, सागारिकाकार, गुर्वभ्युत्थान, पारिष्ठापनिकाकार, महत्तराकार एवं सर्वसमाधिप्रत्ययाकार-इन सात आगारों के सिवाय समस्त आहार का त्याग करता हूं।
Exposition: I undertake a resolve that after sunrise I shall take meals only once and at one place sitting in one portion. I detract myself from three types of articles of consumption namely food, dry fruits and articles of fragrance.
In it there are seven exceptions namely-Anabhog, Sahasakar, Sagarikakar, Gurvabhayathun, Paristhapanikakar, Mahattarakar and Sarv Samadhi Pratyayakar
विवेचन : एकासन एवं एक-स्थान सूत्र में इतना अन्तर है कि एकासन में जहां भोजन करते हुए शरीर के अंगों को संकोचा और पसारा जा सकता है, वहां एकस्थान सूत्र में ऐसा
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षष्ठ अध्ययन : प्रत्याख्यान
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Avashyak Sutra PPPROPERTREPREPARIHARANParaprawasakararaapaarsanararararamraparmana