discrimination. I may have spit loudly. I may have caused hurt to the lice and other. I may have coughed in an improper manner. I may have spoken in a loud voice: I may have found faults with my bed. I may have sneezed in a rustic manner. I may have yawned improperly. I may have scrubbed my body without discrimination. I may have touched cloth containing live dust. I may have felt upset by seeing marriage scene or battle scene in dream. I may have got attracted toward a woman in dream. My perception may have been affected with attachment in dream. I may have had adverse reflections in the mind. I may have had thoughts not in line with prescribed code regarding food and liquid in the dream. I feel sorry for all such faults committed by me during the day and withdraw myself from them. May my faults be condoned.
विवेचन : प्रस्तुत सूत्र में दिवस संबंधी निद्रा - दोषों की आलोचना की गई है। प्रश्न उपस्थित होता है कि क्या साधु दिन के समय निद्रा ले सकता है? स्वस्थ और युवा साधु के लिए दिवाशय निषिद्ध है। साधु यदि रुग्ण है, वृद्ध है अथवा विहार आदि से थका हुआ है तो दिन में परिमित काल के लिए विश्राम करना, निद्रा ले लेना आगम - विरुद्ध नहीं है।
जैन साधना का यह उच्च प्रमाण है कि साधु जागृत अवस्था में हुई भूलों का तो प्रतिक्रमण/शोधन करता ही है, निद्रा अवस्था में हुई संभावित भूलों को भी वह अपराध मानता है और उनकी शुद्धि के लिए प्रतिक्रमण करता है।
Explanation: In this aphorism self-criticism has been done in respect of faults relating to sleep committed during the day. The question arises whether a monk can sleep during the day. Sleeping during the day is prohibited for a healthy or young monk. In case a monk is ill or is old and tired due to his wanderings, he can take rest for a limited period. To sleep is against the code.
It is an important proof of Jain asceticism that a Sadhu repents for the faults committed not only in awakened state but also of possible faults that are likely to occur in sleep and consider them as sin. He feels sorry for them.
तत्पश्चात् गोचर-चर्या शुद्धि का स्मरण किया जाता है
Thereafter the purification of movement is resorted to.
पडिक्कमामि गोयरचरियाए, भिक्खायरियाए, उग्घाडकवाड - उग्घाडणाए, साणावच्छादारासंघट्टणाए, मंडीपाहुडियाए, बलि - पाहुडियाए, ठवणापाहुडियाए, संकिए, सहसागारिए, अणेसणाए, पाणभोयणाए, बीयभोयणाए, हरियभोयणाए, चतुर्थ अध्ययन : प्रतिक्रमण
Avashyak Sutra
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