Loka means attaining the clairvoyance that perceives the concrete matters directly, that has not attained so far. This one is the sixth Sthan of Chit Samadhi. 7. Attaining the Manah Prayava (mind reading knowledge). With this knowledge one knows the notions of the mind of Sangi and Panchendriya Paryaptak (five-sensed developed) jeevas who live in two and a half continents and oceans situated within these continents. This kind of knowledge could not be attained earlier. It is the seventh Sthan of Chit Samadhi. 8. Attaining Kewal Gyan (omniscience) one who is the knower of all the three realms directly concerning all the three period time i.e. present, past and future. It did not attain earlier. This one is the eighth Sthan of Chit Samadhi. 9. Kewal Darshan (ultimate perception) - it means one who perceives all the three lokas (realms) including all the moving and non-moving beings of the universe. This knowledge could not be attained earlier. This is the Nineth Sthanak Chit Samadhi. 10. Death through Kewali Maran (omniscient) - It is the destroyer of all the miseries and agonies. It is the tenth Sthan of Chit Samadhi.
After getting the Chit Samadhi the SELF (soul) becomes Sidhaand Budha annihilating the miseries absolutely and attains theabsolute and infinite state of blissfulness eventually.
६३-मंदरे णं पव्वए मूले दस जोयणसहस्साइं विक्खंभेणं पण्णत्ते। सुमेरु (मन्दर) पर्वत मूल में दस हजार योजन विष्कंभ (विस्तार) वाला बताया गया है। ..
At the root of expansion of Sumeru Mountain has been told often thousand yojanas.
६४-अरिहा णं अरिट्ठनेमि दस धणूइं उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं होत्था। कण्हे णं वासुदेवे दस धणूई । उड़े उच्चत्तेणं होत्था। रामे णं बलदेवे दस धणूई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं होत्था। ___ बाईसवें तीर्थंकर अरिष्टनेमि, कृष्ण वासुदेव तथा राम बलराम दश-दश धनुष ऊँचे बताए गए हैं।
The height of Ford Maker (Tirthankara) Arishtnemi was ten bow i.e. sixty cubit high. Shri Krishan Vasudeva was ten bows i.e. sixty cubits high. Ram Balram was ten bow i.e. sixty cubit high. ६५-दस नक्खत्ता नाणबुड्डिकरा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा
मिगसिर अद्दा पुस्सो तिण्णि य पुव्वा य मूलमस्सेसा।
हत्थो चित्तो य तहा दस बुड्डिकराइं नाणस्स।।१।। ज्ञान की वृद्धि करने वाले नक्षत्रों की संख्या दस बतायी गई है। यथा-१. मृगशिर, २. आर्द्रा,
दसवां समवाय
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