inflow of Karmas) are said to be five as :- 1. Wrong perception ( Mithyatva), 2. Avirati (Non-restraint), 3. Pramada ( inertia), 4. Kshaya (passion), 5. Yoga (activities of mind, body and speech ). Samvar Dvar (stoppage of influx of Karmas ) 1. right perception, 2. Avow, 3. Alertness (Non-laxity) absence of Pramada, 4. Non passion (Akashaya), 5. Ayoga (restraint of body, speech and mind). Nirjra (the way or method of destroying the accumulated Karmas) are said to be of five kinds :- 1. Absolute resistance of violence, 2. Absolute avoidance of telling lies, 3. Absolute avoidance ( resistance) of stealing, 4. Absolute celebacy, 5. Absolute avoidance ( resistance) of possesiveness. There are five Samities (Attitude of carefulness) (Activities which are performed with full attention or right tendency) as :— 1. Irya Samiti ( regulation of movement ), 2. Bhasha Samiti (carefulness of language), 3. Eshna Samiti (to take food that is not specially prepared for ascetic or to be careful during seeking alms), 4. Aadan-Bhand-Matra Nikshepan Samiti (to be careful in making bed and taking clothes for ascetic), 5.Pratisthapna Samiti (to be careful at the time of nature call in using right place for it)
२७-पंच अत्थिकाया पन्नत्ता, तं जहा - धम्मत्थिकाए अधम्मत्थिकाए आगासत्थिकाए जीवथिका पोग्गलत्थिकाए ।
अस्तिकाय द्रव्य (बहुप्रदेशी द्रव्य) पाँच प्रकार के बताए गए हैं, यथा – १. धर्मास्तिकाय द्रव्य, २. अधर्मास्तिकाय द्रव्य, ३. आकाशास्तिकाय द्रव्य, ४. जीवास्तिकाय द्रव्य, ५. पुद्गलास्तिकाय द्रव्य ।
विशेष- इन द्रव्यों में धर्मास्तिकाय और अधर्मास्तिकाय असंख्यात प्रदेशी, आकाशास्तिकाय अनन्त प्रदेशी, जीवास्तिकाय असंख्यात प्रदेशी तथा पुद्गलास्तिकाय संख्यात, असंख्यात और अनन्तप्रदेशी होते हैं।
Multi space-point matter-Astikaya dravya has been told of five types i.e. 1. Dharmastikaya (medium of movement), 2. Adharmastikaya (medium of rest), 3. Aakashstikaya (space), 4. Pudglastikaya (matter), 5. Jeevastikaya (living beings).
Note: In these Dravyas Dharmastikaya (medium of movement) & Adharmastikaya (medium of rest) are said of innumerable space points, Aakashstikaya (space)are infinite space point, Jeevastikaya (living beings are of innumerable space points and Puglastikaya (matter) has numerable, innumerable and infinite space points.
२८-रोहिणीनक्खत्ते पंचतारे पन्नत्ते । पुणव्वसुनक्खत्ते पंचतारे पन्नत्ते । हत्थनक्खत्ते पंचतारे पन्नत्ते, विसाहानक्खत्ते पंचतारे पन्नत्ते, धणिट्ठानक्खत्ते पंचतारे पन्नत्ते ।
नक्षत्रों में रोहिणी, पुनर्वसु, हस्त, विशाखा और धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र पाँच-पाँच तारों वाले कहे गए हैं।
5th Samvaya
समवायाग सूत्र