१०. प्रश्नव्याकरणाङ्ग-इसमें स्व-पर समय विषयक प्रश्नों का, मन्त्र, विद्या आदि के साधने का
और उनके अतिशयों का वर्णन। ११. विपाकसूत्राङ्ग-इसमें पापी-पुरुषों और पुण्यात्मा जीवों का चरित्र वर्णन है। __१२. दृष्टिवादाङ्ग-इसमें गणितशास्त्र का, तीन सौ तिरेसठ अन्य मतों का, चौदह पूर्वो का, महापुरुषों
__ के चरित्रों का, पांच चूलिकाओं का विस्तृत विवेचन है।
I have listened the same as Lord Mahavira preached. It is like this Bhagwan Mahavira, the first propagator of 'Shrut Dharma', the Tirthankara was attainer of right knowledge. Among the individuals Lord Mahavira was the most handsome endowed with the extraordinary attributions. He was as valorous as a vigorous lion and he was like the best lotus which means the most excellent person like a superior white lotus having one hundred leaves. Lord Mahavira is like the fragrant elephant by whose smell the opponent elephant does not stand before him means escapes from him. He is the supreme in this universe. He is an abode of extraordinary virtues and he is being worshipped by all the Supreme Masters of Three Lokas (cosmos). Today he is the supreme lord of all the three Lokas. He is the benefactor of this universe. So, he is called loka benevolent, illuminator and the light of the universe. He makes everyone undaunted means he is a kind hearted and compassionate one. He is one who illuminates the right path for those who are drowned into the ocean of darkness and ignorance and he makes the mankind to follow the right path. He is one who gives shelter to all the creatures of this universe, liberates them from the cycle of life and death, giver of perfect right knowledge, a protector of the creatures who are near to fall into the pit of sins, ill luck, preaches of right religion, a protector, indestructive life giver, perfect knowledge giver, religion giver, a true preacher, and you are the chief of spirituality. Bhagwan Mahavira is a charioteer of the chariot of spirituality. Lord Mahavira is the 'Chakravarti of Dharma' of four dimensions. He is, devoid of repulsion and opposition, a holder of uncovered supreme ultimate knowledge and perception. He is absolutely faultless-means crystal clear. He is absolutely free of any kind of conceit and deceit. He is called 'Jina' (one who is conqueror of all the passions). He is the reliever (one who gets relieved others from amorous enjoyment and a conqueror (showing the way to win the passions). He has crossed the worldly ocean himself and making others to cross. He is enlightened, a religion informer, free from all the Karmas, a liberator (one who is liberated and makes others to liberate, one who is realised and makes others to realise). He is omniscient (knower of entire universe). He is unmovable, wholesome (without any ailment), limitless, indestructible, hinderless (without any hindrance) and is without
समवायांग सूत्र %%%%%%%%%%
1st Samvaya %%%%%% %%%