मद-मत्त गजराज के समान ललित, विक्रम और विलास युक्त गति वाले थे। वे शरद ऋतु के नव-उदित मेघ के समान मधुर, गम्भीर क्रौंच पक्षी के निर्घोष और दुन्दुभि के समान स्वर वाले थे। बलदेव कटिसूत्र वाले नील कौशेयक वस्त्र से तथा वासुदेव कटिसूत्र वाले पीत कौशेयक वस्त्र से युक्त रहते थे। वे प्रकृष्ट दीप्ति और तेज से युक्त थे। वे प्रबल बलशाली थे। वे मनुष्यों में सिंह के समान होने से नरसिंह, मनुष्यों के पति होने से नरपति, परम ऐश्वर्यशाली होने से नरेन्द्र तथा सर्वश्रेष्ठ होने से नर-वृषभ कहलाते थे। अपने कार्य-भार का पूर्णरूपेण निर्वाह करने से वे मरुंद्वृषभकल्प अर्थात् देवराज की उपमा को धारण करते थे । अन्य राजा-महाराजाओं से अधिक राजतेज रूप लक्ष्मी से देदीप्यमान थे। इस प्रकार नील-वसन वाले नौ राम (बलदेव) और पीत - वसन वाले नौ केशव (वासुदेव) दोनों भाई-भाई हुए हैं।
In Bharat Varsh, situated in Jambu Continant, in this descending time cycle (Avasarpini Kaal) there have been nine Dashar Mandal i.e., community of lords and co-lords (Vasudeva & Baldeva), the propounders of Sutras describe them up `follows: All these Dashar Mandal (Vasudeva & Baldeva) have taken birth in noble families and they were called supreme individuals. Being exist between the sixty three sublime persons as Fordmakers etc. they were called average (Madhayam Purasha) individuals, or with regard the strength and power of Fordmakers they were less in strength and power and with regard to the common man they were more powerful. So they were called average individuals. With regard to the superiority of the virtues of valour and heroism of persons of that time the Dashar Mandal have been said the chief-men (souls). Being empowered with the mental powers they have been said Brilliant. They were energetic because they bore a radiant physique. They were endowed with physical strength because of that they were called vigorous. Through they earned fame and celebrity so that they were called glorious and honored. They were shadowy because their shadow of the body was endowed with hue. They were lovely and pleasing because their physical body was endowed with luster. They have placidity like moon. They have been said fortunate beings the beloved of all. Having so much lovely eyes they were called of lovable appearance. They bore the Samchaturasr Structure i.e. they were handsome. Being the pure natured they were called auspicious. Every person could see them straight way and with great pleasure so they were pleasure giver. They were loved by every one. Being powerful through the continuous ebbing and never fatiguing powers they were Oghbali (Indestructible power). By transgressing the powers of all the men of that time and being the great or supreme powerful they were called Atibali and Mahabali (very powerful). Being the bearer of incomparable age they were beyond any injury i.e. devoid of any attack or death afflicted by 345
Great Persons
समवायांग सूत्र