O Lord! If it is a mature of countable life span, uteruseous humanassimilating body, then, whether it is of a righteous faith, mature, countable life duration uteruseous faith human-assimilating body of this labour land or it is of
a wrong belief or a right erroneous faith, countable life span uteruseous * human-assimilating body of this labour land.
Gautam! It is of a righteous belief, mature, countable life duration uteruseous human assimilating body of this labour land but not of a wrong
belief or wrong righteous faith mature countable life duration uteruseous human5 assimilating body of this labour land.
O Lord! If it of is a righteous faith, mature, countable life span, uteruseous, human assimilating body of this labour land then whether he is a restraint righteous belief, mature, countable life span, uteruseous, human-assimilating body of this labor land or he is a unrestraint righteous belief, mature, countable life span uteruseous human-assimilating body of Labour land or a restraint
unrestraint righteous belief, mature, countable life span, uteruseous humanwill assimilating body at labour land? 1. Gautam! It is a restraint righteous faith, mature, countable life span,
uteruseous human-assimlating body of labour land not a un-restraint-nor a restraint-unrestraint righteous faith, mature, countable life span, uteruseous human-assimilating body of labour land.
O Lord ! It he is a restrained righteous belief, mature, countable life span uteruseous, human-assimilating body of labour land, then, whether it is a laxity (Pramat) restrained righteous faith, mature, countable life duration uteruseous, human-assimilating body of labour land or awakened (Apramat) restrained righteous human-assimilating body of labour land?
Gautam ! It is a laxity (Pramat) restraint righteous faith, mature, countable $life span, uteruseous, human assimilating body of labour-land but not an
awakend (Apramat) restraint, righteous faith, mature, countable life duration,
uteruseous human-assimilating body of labour land. $ O Lord ! If it is a laxity restraint righteous belief, mature, countable life
span, uteruseous, human-assimilating body of labour land, then, whether it is of an extra-ordinary, power or wealth, laxity restraint, righteous belief, mature, countable life span uteruseous, human-assimilating body of labour land or of without extra-ordinary power of wealth, laxity, restraint, righteous belief, mature, countable life span uteruseous human-assimilating body of labour land?
Gautam ! It is of an extra ordinary power, wealth, laxity, restraint, righteous belief, mature, countable life span, uteruseous human-assimilating body of labour land but not a un-extraordinary power or wealth, laxity,
समवायाग सूत्र
Various Titles