२८. मनुष्यों में घातक बिमारी जैसे हैजा, प्लेग आदि भयंकर बीमारी नहीं होती हैं। २९. स्वचक्र यानि अपने राज्य की सेना का भय नहीं होता। ३०. परचक्र यानि शत्रु की सेना का भय नहीं होता। ३१. अतिवृष्टि यानि घनघोर वर्षा नहीं होती। ३२. अनावृष्टि नहीं होती यानि सूखा नहीं पड़ता। ३३. दुर्भिक्ष या दुष्काल नहीं होता। ३४. भगवान के विहार से पूर्व उत्पन्न हुई व्याधियाँ भी शीघ्र ही शान्त हो जाती हैं और रक्त
वर्षा आदि उत्पात नहीं होते हैं। It has been narrated that the enlightened one i.e. the Ford Makers (Tirthankara Bhagwan) have thirty four extraordinary miraculous attributes as : 1. Their Nails, hair and pores do not increase. They do not perspire.
The physical body is clean. It remains without any ailment and is
devoid of any dirt and excretion. 3. ___ The colour of the blood & flesh is as white as cow's milk. 4. The breathing in and breathing out is fragrant. It erects to the fragrance
of lotus flower. Hidden & covered eating & seeing without flesh eyes. There is movement of 'Dharam Chakra' in the sky.
With their movement three umbrellas (chhatra) in the sky. 8. Supreme fly whisk move in the space over them.
There is a throne with legs resting desk crystal clear as like of the clean
sky. 10. Moving infront of the Indra flag the other myriad flags. 11. The construction by the gods of Ashoka tree covered with leaves,
flowers and combined with umbrella, flags, ringing bell and welcome
arches on the way where there the Arihant Bhagwan stays and sits. 12. The presence of halo just behind the head illuminating all the ten
dimensions, even in the dark night. 13. The land, where the ford makers wanders becomes smooth and
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चौंतीसवां समवाय
Samvayang Sutra