___ आवश्यक सूत्र को अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र में उत्कालिक सूत्र कहा है। नन्दीसूत्र में 12 उपांग सूत्रों में से 5 को घर उत्कालिक और सात को कालिक कहा है तथा चन्द्रप्रज्ञप्ति एवं सूर्यप्रज्ञप्ति में से भी क्रमशः एक को कालिक और दूसरे को उत्कालिक कहा है।
Comments—The study time for the time bound scriptures is the first and last quarter (Indian Time) of day and night and the second and third quarter" is "Utkall". Hence in the duration of "prohibited period” the study of time bound sutras is tabooed. Some exceptions are provided with regard to memorising the new texts as the seven questions are allowed for "Drishtivad” and in time bound sutras like Acharanga the law of asking three questions is there.
"Tihiam Silogehim Ega Puchchha, Tihim Puchchhahi Nav Siloga Bhavanti Ayam Kaliyasuyass Egataram. Ditthivaye Sattasu Puchchasu Egavisam siloga Bhavanti. ComChurni verse No. 6061.
One question relates to three couplets. Three prachchha means nine couplets. These are meant for each and every time bound sutra. But for "drishtivad" there are twenty one couplets of seven Prachchha. The recitation of upto twenty one couplets of "drishtivad and equal to nine couplets of others time bound sutra can be done in “prohibited period”. The normal meaning of the the term "Prachchha” is question and answer. But in questioning and answering there is no questioin of the duratioin of time of Study and non-study (Swadhyaya or Aswadhayaya). Hence, here in the context of it this conclusion is irrelevant.
Out of 32 Agamas the nine sutras are "Utkallik”, as
1. Oapapatik Sutra, 2. Rajprashaniya Sutra, 3. Jeevajeevabhigama Sutra, पर 4. Pragyapana Sutra, 5 Suryaprgayapti Sutra, 6. Dasvaikalik Sutra, 7. Nandi Sutra,
8. Anuyogadvar Sutra, 9. Avashayaka Sutra. Rest of the twenty three Agamas other eleven limbs etc. are time-bound sutras.
In Anuyogadvar Sutra the Avashyaka Sutra has been mentioned as Utkaalika sutra. According to “Nandi-sutra" five out of twelve "Upanga” have been classifed as "Utkaalik and seven Kaalika and the Chanderpragyapti and Suryapragyapati are stated to be Kallika and Utkallika respectively. महामहोत्सवों में स्वाध्याय करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF STUDIES OF SCRIPTURES DURING GREAT CEREMONIES AND
FUNCTIONS रे 11. जे भिक्खू चउसु महामहेसु सज्झायं करेइ, करेंतं वा साइज्जइ।
तंजहा-1. इंदमहे, 2. खंदमहे, 3. जक्खमहे,4. भूयमहे। 42 12. जे भिक्खू चउसु महापाडिवएसुसज्झायं करेइ, करेंतं वा साइज्जइ।
तं जहा-1. आसोय-पाडिवए, 2. कत्तिय-पाडिवए, 3. सुगिम्हग-पाडिवए, 4. आसाढीपाडिवए।
उन्नीसवाँ उद्देशक
Nineteenth Lesson