8. The ascetic who jokingly wears the bracelet of steel i.e. upto gold or supports the
ones who wears so. 9. The ascetic who jokingly prepares the necklace, semi-necklace, Ekavalihaar (one
strenged garland), Pearls, Gold, jewels necklace, waist-ring, Arms ring, Kayur, earinges, Patta (flap), crown, Pralambh sutra, gold sutra or supports ones who
prepares so. 10. The ascetic who jokingly keeps the necklace ie upto the Golden threads or supports
the ones who keeps so. The ascetic who jokingly puts on the necklace i.e. upto the golden threads or supports the ones who puts on so. The ascetic who jokingly prepares the clothes with the rats's skin, fine clothes, decorated and silky clothes, clothes made of goats'sfur, made of deep blue coloured cotton, made of common cotton, made of special cotton of Dugul tree famous in the Goad country, made of tirid tree bark, made of Sandal wood leaves of Malya mountain, made of fibre of thin hair, made of the inner fibre of Dugul tree, made of 8 China silk, coloured clothes of different countries, the clothes of Rome, clothes producing sound over walking, clothes tidy like crystal, exclusive katavovarako clothes, blankets, exclusive clothes made of skin of Sindh State, The clothes made of fine leather of sindh state, the clothes made of the soft fur of the same animal, skin of black buck, skin of blue buck, skin of white buck, the clothes smeared with goldjuice looking like gold, clothes embroiderd with gold, stripped, made of gold threads, embedded with gold flowers, tiger's skin, leopard's skin, made of a peculiar garment and the clothes combined with different kinds of garments or supports the
ones who weaves so. 13. The ascetic who jokingly puts on the clothes made of the rat's skin and upto
different types of garments or supports the ones who puts on so, curiously. The ascetic who jokingly wears the clothes made of the rat's skin upto similarly different types of garments or supports the ones who wears so. Such an activity costs him laghu-chaumasi expiation
विवेचन-भिक्षु को कुतुहलवृत्ति से रहित एवं गम्भीर स्वभाव वाला होना चाहिए। उसे कुतुहलवृत्ति वालों पर की संगति भी नहीं करना चाहिए। संयम, तप, स्वाध्याय, ध्यान आदि में ही सदा प्रवृत्त रहना चाहिए।
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माला, आभूषण आदि पहनने से वेषविपर्यास होता है। लोकनिंदा भी होती है। इन पदाथों की प्राप्ति में तथा रखने में भी दोषों की सम्भावना रहती है। अतः ये प्रवृत्तियाँ भिक्षु के लिए अनाचरणीय है।
Comments—The ascetic, who is thoughtful and sincere in nature, has been devoid of curiosity, he ought to be strict in restraint, austerity, SELF STUDY, meditation. In putting on the ornament and garlands etc. the dress code is disturbed. Therefore, these kinds of activities are not worthy of an ascetic. He leads to criticism there is probability of many faults in keeping such articles to an ascetic.
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Nishith Sutra