कभी दाता की या भिक्षु की असावधानी से सचित्त आहार-पानी या अकल्पनीय आहारादि पदार्थ ग्रहण कर घरे लिया गया हो तो शीघ्र ही उसी गृहस्थ को पुनः दे देना चाहिए। ऐसा विधान आचा. श्रु. 2, अ.1, उ. 10 तथा अ. 6, उ. 2 में है।
Comments—It does not deserve for an ascetic to offer food to any householder or to a shravak observing the vow of Samayik, because the shravak does not follow the vow of total renunciation of violence underlying action. The violent activities of business and agriculture etc. remain under his domain. Hence in offering any sort of food to a householder the law of atonement works there.
The householder offers food to an ascetic to help him in his practice, spiritual practice, by giving it to any householder the Jina-commands get broken and being not permitted by the donor householder the third great vow also breaks.
If the householder came to know that the food donated by him, has been given to some body else by the ascetic then it may reduce the feelings of charity due to faithlessness.
In the 10th text of chapter 1st of aphorism second of Acharanga-Surta and in verse second of chapter six such a law is established that if the living food and water is accepted due to the deficiency of the householder or the ascetic at any time, then, it should be returned immediately to that householder. पार्श्वस्थ आदि के साथ आहार का लेन-देन करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF GIVING AND TAKING FOOD ALONG WITH THE PERVERTED MONK ETC. 77. जे भिक्खू पासत्थस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा देइ, देंतं वा साइज्जइ। 78. जे भिक्खू पासत्थस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा पडिच्छइ, पडिच्छंतं वा सर
साइज्जइ। 79. जे भिक्खू ओसण्णस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा,खाइमं वा, साइमं वा देइ, देंतं वा साइज्जइ। 80. जे भिक्खू ओसण्णस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा पडिच्छइ, पडिच्छंतं वा र
साइज्जइ। 81. जे भिक्खू कुसीलस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा देइ, देंतं वा साइज्जइ। 82. जे भिक्खू कुसीलस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा पडिच्छइ, पडिच्छंतं वा र
साइज्जइ। 83. जे भिक्खू संसत्तस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमंवा, साइमं वा देइ, देंतं वा साइज्जइ। 84. जे भिक्खू संसत्तस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा पडिच्छइ, पडिच्छंतं वा तट
साइज्जइ। 85. जे भिक्खू णितियस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा देइ, देंतं वा साइज्जइ। 86. जे भिक्खू णितियस्स असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा पडिच्छइ, पडिच्छंतं वाट
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra