24. The ascetic who dries the utensil on living land or supports the ones who dries so. 5. The ascetic who dries the utensil on living rocks or supports the ones who dries so. 6. The ascetic who dries the utensils an the living rock stone or supports the ones
who dries so. 27. The ascetic who dries the utensil on the wood endowed with termite and other
living beings etc or the earth covered with eggs or at the site habitats by spider's
web or supports the ones who dries so. 28. The ascetic who dries the utensils up on the pole, threshold, stone mortar, bathing
stool, or at the high place over sky which are not supported by any thing are moveable or supports the ones who dries up so. The ascetic who dries the utensil on the sand wall, brick wall, rock or rock's piece etc or at any high place over the space which is not tied with any thing i.e. moveable
or supports the ones who dries so. 30. The ascetic who dries the utensil on the trunk of a tree, on the roof of the palace, or
at any high site over the space which is not tied properly-means - is moveable or
supports the ones who dries so, a laghu-chaturmasik expiation comes to him. त्रस प्राणी आदि निकालकर पात्र ग्रहण करने के प्रायश्चित्त THE REPENTANCE OF ACCEPTING THE UTENSILS BY WITHDRAWING THE MOBILE LIVING BEINGS OUT OF IT 31. जे भिक्खूपडिग्गहाओ तसपाणजाइं नीहरइ, नीहरावेइ, नीहरियं आहटु देज्जमाणं पडिग्गाहेइ,
पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 32. जे भिक्खूपडिग्गहाओओसहि-बीयाइंनीहरइ,नीहरावेइ, नीहरियं आहटु देज्जमाणं पडिग्गाहेइ,
पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 33. जे भिक्खू पडिग्गहाओ कंदाणिवा, मूलाणि वा, पत्ताणिवा, पुष्पाणि वा, फलाणिवा नीहरइ,
नीहरावेइ, नीहरियं आहटु देज्जमाणं पडिग्गाहेइ, पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ। जे भिक्खू पडिग्गहाओ पुढविकायं नीहरइ, नीहरावेइ, नीहरियं आहटु देज्जमाणं पडिग्गाहेइ,
पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 35. जे भिक्खू पडिग्गहाओ आउक्कायं नीहरइ, नीहरावेइ, नीहरियं आहटु देज्जमाणं पडिग्गाहेइ, और
पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 36. जे भिक्खू पडिग्गहाओ तेउक्कायं नीहरइ, नीहरावेइ, नीहरियं आहटु देन्जमाणं पडिग्गाहेइ, -
पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 31. जो भिक्षु पात्र से त्रस प्राणियों को निकालता है, निकलवाता है या निकाल कर देते हुए को लेता
है अथवा लेने वाले का समर्थन करता है।
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra