Comments-"Maskalp Viharen Sakrit Kalpate Eva Uttaranti. Tasmineva Mose duvitritaya Bara Pratishedhah. Churni with regard to travelling to stay for a period of one month, it deserves to step into a river once during a month, but it is not desirable to cross twice or thrice the river in the same month.
There is no provision of atonement of stepping in to the river nine times in all during the eight months of a year. In the first month the river can be crossed twice and seven times in the remaining seven months.
Through mentioning five rivers, the remaining big rivers have also been indicated. These five great rivers were famous and never dried up in the past in its travelling areas. Hence the names and numbers of these rivers are narrated in this sutra. Symbolically other big river which were there during that time, should be understood likewise.
According to the general rules it is not permissible for an ascetic to touch the water. But during travelling it is allowed to cross the river in exceptional situations. In commentaries of Brihat Kalpa and Nishith the elaborate description about the exceptional situations have been done. How much journey as to be travelled on land. Considering it one should calculate in how much water one should go ? Even there with regards to the earth bodied beings, green grass and fungus etc. many alternatives have been told.
With regard to atonement many options have been suggested the method of swimming by a boat and pot has been told.
सूत्र 1-2 सूत्र 3
सूत्र 4
सूत्र 5
सूत्र 6
सूत्र 7
सूत्र 8
सूत्र 9
सूत्र 10-13
सूत्र 14
सूत्र 15
सूत्र 16-30
निशीथ सूत्र
बारहवें उद्देशक का सारांश
स प्राणियों को बाँधना या खोलना ।
बार-बार प्रत्याख्यान भंग करना । प्रत्येककाय मिश्रित आहार करना। सरोम चर्म का उपयोग करना ।
गृहस्थ के वस्त्र से ढके तृणपीढ़ आदि पर बैठना। 1
साध्वी की चादर गृहस्थ से सिलवाना।
पृथ्वी आदि पाँच स्थावरकायिक जीवों की किंचित् भी विराधना करना ।
सचित वृक्ष पर चढ़ना
गृहस्थ के बर्तनों में खाना, गृहस्थ के वस्त्र पहनना, गृहस्थ की शय्या आदि पर बैठना, गृहस्थ की चिकित्सा करना ।
पूर्वकर्मदोष युक्त आहार ग्रहण करना।
उदकभाजन (गृहस्थ के कच्चे पानी लेने निकालने के बर्तन) से आहार ग्रहण करना । दर्शनीय स्थलों को देखने जाना।
करार कर
Nishith Sutra