Sutra 6 Prohibition of accepting the Adhakarma faulty food is mentioned in
shrut 2., text one and chapter 9 of Acharanga sutra in shrut one, घरे chapter 10 and verse 8 and eleven of Sutrakritanga Sutra and at many
other places. Sutra 7-8 The description of statement regarding Nimit is found in chapter eight,
seventeen and 20 of Uttradhyan Sutra. Sutra 25-29 The description of prohibiting the consuming food at night with four
Bhange and swallowing the food morsel is found in chapter 5 of
Brihatkalpa Sutra. Sutra 34-35 Prohibition of travelling during rainy season is found in chapter one,
sutra 36 of Brihatkalpa Sutra. Sutra 41 Accepting clothes in rainy season is described in chapter 3, sutra 16
of Brihatkalpa Sutra. इस उद्देशक के 25 सूत्रों के विषय का कथन अन्य आगमों में नहीं है, यथासूत्र 9-12 शिष्य व दीक्षार्थी सम्बन्धी इस तरह का स्पष्ट कथन व प्रायश्चित्त इनका समावेश तीसरे
महाव्रत में हो सकता है। सूत्र 13 आगन्तुक साधु को आश्रय देने का प्रायश्चित्त। सूत्र 14 अनुपशान्त के साथ आहार करने का प्रायश्चित्त। सूत्र 15-24 प्रायश्चित्तों की विपरीत प्ररूपणा आदि का प्रायश्चित्त। सूत्र 30-33 ग्लान की सेवा का निर्देश सूयगडांग अ. 3 तथा अन्य आगमों में भी है, किन्तु यहाँ स्पष्ट
सूचनायुक्त विशेष प्रायश्चित्त कहे हैं। सूत्र 36-40 पर्युषणा के विशेष विधान और प्रायश्चित्त ।
The description of the subject matter of there 25 sutras of this chapter is not found in other Agamas as : Sutra 9-12 The clearcut statement and expiation related to disciple and to be
consecrated disciple can be included in third great vow. Sutra 13 The expiation of giving shelter to the guest monk. Sutra 14 Expiation of having food in the company of an agitative monk. Sutra 15-24 The expiation of adversely propagating the atonements. Sutra 30-33 The instruction of serving a patient is mentioned in chapter third of
Sutranga and even in other Agamas too, but herein these are mentioned
as a clearly informative exclusive atonements. Sutra 36-40 Exclusive laws of atonements of Paryushana Parvas.
॥ दसवाँ उद्देशक समाप्त॥ The End of Tenth Chapter
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra