____ 10. रात्रि में स्त्रियों को तथा स्त्रियों सहित पुरुषों को धर्मकथा आदि नहीं कहना चाहिए और कहे तो परे प्रायश्चित्त आता है तथा कुछ अपवादों (छूट) का निर्देश भी हुआ है।
11. साध्वियों के उपाश्रय में अनेक कार्यों के करने का निषेध बृहत्कल्प उद्देशक 3 में है किन्तु ग्रामानुग्राम विहार का तथा अन्य अनेक प्रवृत्तियों का निषेध और प्रायश्चित्त का कथन तो यहीं पर है। ___12-13. स्त्रीयुक्त स्थान में नहीं ठहरना ऐसा वर्णन अन्यत्र आता है किन्तु स्त्री साधु के स्थान पर रहना चाहे या रह जाये तो कैसा व्यवहार करना, इसका सूचन तथा प्रायश्चित्त का कथन इन दो सूत्रों में ही है।
इस उद्देशक में कुछ कथन विशेषता युक्त हैं।
The prohibition of female's intercourse has been mentioned in many Agamas at many places such as in chapter 8-10. Dasvakalika Sutra, verse 52-58, chapter come of Uttradhyana-verse 26, Acharanga Chapter 33—verse 13 to 16. The description with some explanation and references is there in sutra no 1 to 9.
Dasvaikalika chap.-3 and Acharanga sutra shrut 2, chapter-1 and Rajplanda
in sutra 3 of Uttradhyayan. 2. Dasvaikalika chap.-5, verse 47-52 Dempinda. 3. Prohibition of accepting the food made in "Sakhandi" in Acharanga Sutra
Shrut-2, chap.-1 and text-2 of Uttradhayan sutra. Here in from sutra 14-18 the elaborate description of expiation has been made. In this ways the description subject matters of the other Agamas instructed expiation has been stated in
fourteen sutras from 1 to 9 and 14 to 18 sutras. The description of four sutras of this chapter is not there in other Agams as:
The description of other four sutras can also be included in the context of female company chapter nevertheless being a peculiar statement it has been described separately. 10. Barring some exceptions telling religious stories to the ladies or the ladies
accompanied with males are prohibited. In case they are narrated some exceptions have also been mentioned expiation comes to him. According to the chapter 3 Brihatakalpa many activity are prohibited to perform in the staying place of Nuns but expiation and prohibition of travelling together,
village to village and other activities are mentioned only here in.' 12-13. The description of not staying at the female occupied places is found at some
other places also but what type of behavior should be done if any lady wants to stay at the monks occupied place or stop there. Its information and mode of expiation is found here merely in these two sutras. In this chapter some of the statements are special.
॥ आठवाँ उद्देशक समाप्त॥ The End of the Eighth Chapter
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Nishith Sutra