अन्यतीर्थिक आदि के साथ जाने से भिक्षादाता के मन में भी अनेक विकल्प उत्पन्न होते हैं। जैसे वह सोचता है- 'पहले श्रमण निर्ग्रन्थ को भिक्षा दूँ या जिनके साथ ये आए हैं इन्हें पहले दूँ ? श्रमण निर्ग्रन्थ को कैसा आहार दूँ और इन्हें कैसा आहार दूँ? अन्यतीर्थिक आदि के साथ श्रमण निर्ग्रन्थ क्यों आए ? श्रमण निर्ग्रन्थ तो स्वयं महान् हैं। स्वयं आते तो क्या मैं भिक्षा नहीं देता ? ' इत्यादि ।
ऊपर कहे गए इन तीनों सूत्रों का भाव यह है कि लोकव्यवहार या लोकापवाद को लक्ष्य में रखकर श्रमण को अन्यतीर्थिक, गृहस्थ या अपारिहारिक के साथ नहीं आना जाना चाहिए।
Comments-Here the meaning of non-believer is as under:
Anyamati or Anyatirthika-Ajeevka, Charake, Parivrajaka, Shakya etc. 2. Householders — The householder who survives on alms or the one who seeks alms on a particular day i.e. Saturday etc.
3. The knower of the faults of seeking alms (Pariharika Gaveshana) and not to afflict by the fault of seeking alms.
4. Even though the knower of the faults of the seeking alms carelessly afflicts with three faults. The ascetic who is well acquainted with the rules of accepting alms. should go for seeking food, and accompanying with the non-believer, alms seeking householder and 'swalingi apariharikas' 'laghumasika' expiation is mentioned for this in Agams.
By accompanying a non-believer for seeking alms many doubts grow in the mind of the donor for example he thinks he should give food at first to the Nigranth Shraman or to the person he has come with?" What kind of food should be given to a Nigranth and what kind to the other one? Why the non-believer has come with the Shraman Nirgranth? The Nirgranth Shraman is himself a great monk if he has come himself shall I not give him food? etc. etc.
The aim of all the three above mentioned aphorism is that taking into consideration the prevalent practice or the criticism the ascetic must not come and go along with a nonbeliever or householder, and a non-pariharik ascetic.
मनोज्ञ जल पीने और अमनोज़ जल परठने का प्रायश्चित्त
43. जे भिक्खू अण्णयरं पाणगजायं पडिगाहित्ता पुष्कं पुष्कं आइयइ कसायं कसायं परिट्ठवेइ, परिट्ठवेतं वा साइज्जइ ।
43. जो भिक्षु अनेक प्रकार के प्रासुक पानी को ग्रहण करके अच्छा-अच्छा पीता है और खराब - खराब परठता है अथवा परठने वाले का समर्थन करता है (उसे लघुमासिक प्रायश्चित्त आता है।)
43. The ascetic who takes the delicious water by collecting so many types of nonliving water and throws away the un-delicious water or supports the ones who throws _away so, the laghumasik expiation comes to him.
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra