Bave known Pandit Shrikrishna Sharma for the last two years. He seems to be a learned Pandit and takes ., a great deal of interest in the Study of Jain Shastras. He his. Innifer mil his love for Jiinism by: commentirig upon. “ Sapta Sinarnna” linn.glaid to say that the Cominentary Hea Jinsiprepared will be found very useful to those who Study Sapta Smarana without å tencher.. Moghadhi Verses ligve been explained in Sauskrit with some important-Graminical Notes auk fürs-the. Sake of those who are quite ignorant of the Sanskrit Language the purport of each verse
in given in Hindiswilso, I believe that the Main Community ! is thankful to the learned Panditji for the endeavours to
render Supta Simarına ina Language which is understood by its all His work shows that he has thorough kpowledge of; Sanskrit Magadhi: iind Hindi Lildguages. In Conclusion. I pray Panditji to take up some more important works of the Maghadhi Language and trapslate them into Hindi so that the Hindi knowing public may appreciate the Sacred Jain Literatuur.
N. G: MODI, B. A, B. I.