AND EMENDATIONS As pointed out, the present edition of the text is based on the enlarged photographs of its single Ms. discovered in Tibet. In these pages an attempt has been made to present a tolerably correct text of the SBh. for the first time in the light of the texts referred to in the body of the Ms. or the doctrines elucidated which resemble to those detailed in the Pāli canons or other Buddhist works.
The Ms. is complete in itself and contains a few intruded folios also which contain the text of some other bhūmis of the YBS comprising the portions of the a) Srutamayĩ bhumi (b) the Cintamayi bhumi (c) the bhavanamayi bhūmi, and (d) the pratyekabuddha bhūmi also. Of these some portions of the text of the Cintāmayi bhūmi have been presented in the appendix no. IV.
The text of the manuscript which is in a form of the Nāgari group of North Indian scripts has been deciphered by us and edited with the help of the YBS, the Bodhi. and the portions of the SBh edited by Prof. Alex Wayman. At places we had to differ from the deciphered text as presented by Prof. Wayman and such deviations and differences have been pointed out in the footnotes. At several places the decipherement of the learned author was found to be incorrect and not fitting in the context and at such places improvements have been suggested.
The usual punctuation marks have been provided. The comas have been given usually, and the full-stops have been given in square brackets. While the grammatically incorrect forms of words have been corrected in round brackets, longer sentences and passages have been emended in the footnotes.