referred to in the Bodhi. and the adhimukticaryābhūmi', the suddhyāśayabhūmia and the buddhabhūmi have also been referred to in the other work. It is also noteworthy that the extant text of the DBS does not contain the titles of these bhūmis which are preserved only in the Chinese translations. 4
Along with the DBS, the SPS also seems to have been utilised by our author which has also been referred to by Maitreyanātha”. Similarly, SSPP (MSAB, 1.12, V.II, XI.77), the ASPP and the VCPP were also utilised by Asanga and he wrote a verse-commentary on the latter from the Yogācāra point of view. The Upāya or Upāyakausalya doctrine of the SPS? and the sarvadharmaśūnyatā doctrine of the ASPP and other PPs have been referred to in their theme which leaves no doubt that these works were also utilised by our author. Asanga quotes many passages which have not been traced in the extant Mahāyānasūtras, but which presuppose that Asanga had a long Mahāyāna and PPtradition before him when he composed these treatises.
Besides these Sūtras, the Garbhāvakrāntisūtra has
1. Ibid., pp. 26, 31, 127, 140. 2. Ibid., p. 93. , 3. Ibid., loc. cit., p. 140 4. Vide, MSA, p. 26, fn. 1. 5. Uttaratantra, II. 58-c. 6. 31Tuftafaarur: 4519raftaret: q7fathafai, ed. by G. Tucci with
Chinese and Tibetan versions and English Translation in MBT, I. 7. cp. MSAB, p. 97 sg., 116, XVIII.69-70, pp. 146-7, Bodbi. p. 212.