Besides these irregularities, intrusions and omissions, the MS. is properly arranged. The following peculiarities may also be noted in this connection :
(i) the (s)avagraha sign is seldom found,
(ii) the sounds va (wa) and ba are not distinguished,
(iii) punctuation marks are lacking,
(iv) the sound n (7) in the end of a word has, at some places, been represented by (), e.g., i represents
(v) r and ru are often not distinguished,
(vi) when preceded by r, na, ma and ņa are often doubled,
(vii) the syntax and the morphological forms resemble to those of the classical Sanskrit,
(viii) ja and jā, jña and jñā are not generally distinguished, and
(ix) lr sound is lacking.
3. Authorship
In the colophon of the present MS. no reference to its author has been made, but at the end of the first three Yogasthānas, it has clearly been mentioned as a part of the YBS1, one of the most important works of
1. योगाचारभूमौ श्रावकभूमिसंगृहीतायां प्रथमं योगस्थानम् (p. 166 ), द्वितीयं योगस्थानम् (p. 348), तृतीयं योगस्थानम्, (p. 434 ), चतुर्थं योगस्थानम् (p. 511 ).