1. Preliminary Remarks : The Yogăcărabhūmi & the Srāvakabhūmi
The YBS of Ācārya Asanga was previously supposed to be losti in its Sanskrit original except the Bodhisattvabhūmi, till the original MS -of the text was discovered in the Shā-lu Monastery of Tibet and its photographs brought to India through the ceaseless efforts of the great scholar and explorer, the late Mahāpandita Rahula Sâmkrtyāyana in the year 19383.
The Yogācāra bhūmiśāstra also known as Yogācāryabhūmiśāstra (U-cic-si-ti-lun-jen)4 and Yogacaryābhūmiśāstra (Rnol-ḥbyor.spyod.pahi.sa) contains seventeen bhūmis or sections which propose to delineate
1. Winternitz., HIL, II, 354, also fn. 2 : Ācārya Narendra Deva,
BDD, p. 168. 2. See, JBORS, XXI, 1935, pp. 21-43, XXIII (1937), pp. 1-57; XXIV
(1938), pp. 137-163; Altekar, A. S., English Introduction to the Pramānavarttikabhāşyam, edited by Mahāpandita Rāhula
Sāṁkstyāyana, p. iii-iv. 3. JBORS, XXIV.138. 4. In the Chinese tradition, Vide, YBS, Intro., p. 7. 5. In Tibet; See, Ibid., loc. cit., 6. Cf., YBS, 1. 3 : UTTUA: PHT I AT HTC# yut secaT: 1 PAT:
सप्तदश । • • 'पञ्चविज्ञानसम्प्रयुक्ता भूमिः । मनोभूमिः । सवितर्का सविचारा भूमिः । अवितर्का विचारमात्रा भूमिः । अवितर्काविचारा भूमिः । समाहिता भूमिः । असमाहिता भूमिः । असमाहिता भूमिः । सचित्तिका भूमिः । अचित्तिका
(contd. on p. xliv)