of Introduction could not be included in its full form in this volume containing the edited text. Only the first sixty four pages of this Introduction could be printed with this Volume of the edited text. The remaining portions will be printed with the next Volume which is expected to be published shortly.
While editing the text we have tried to be faithful to the manuscript. All corrections and emendations have been suggested under brackets. The usual punctuation marks have been provided. The comas, semi-colons and colons have however been usually given, while the full-stop (virāma) signs which are partly available in the text have been provided under square [ ] brackets. The syllables or words damaged or lost by pin-holds in the photo-prints have also been kept under square brackets. While the incorrect forms of letters and words have been corrected and this correction put under parenthesises ( ), longer clauses and sentences have been emended in the footnotes. Likewise, the illegible and indistinct portions of the text which have been either reconstructed or construed on the basis of the preceding context, have been put under square brackets.
As usual with such edited texts, four appendices have also been added to the text. The first appendix contains the lost portions of the text reconstructed from the Tibetan version of the Srăvakabhūmi contained in the Tibetan Tripitaka, Vol. 110 (1957). The second