In the following pages an attempt has been made for the first time to present a tolerably correct text of the Śravakabhūmi. Work on the study and edition of Śravakabhūmi manuscript began as early as 1961 when Prof. Alex Wayman of the California University partly edited the text of the manuscript from linguistic standpoint and also presented a linguistic and historical study of the text.
While studying the Yogacărabhūmiśāstra of Asanga, edited by Prof. V. Bhattacharya, our attention was drawn to the study and edition of the present text in 1963. In the Preface to his edition of the first five bhumis of the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra, Prof. Bhattacharya had given a passing reference to the Śravakabhūmi. Naturally, we enquired about this manuscript from Prof. S. H. Askari, the then Honorary Joint Director of the K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna, and expressed our desire to study and edit this text. Prof. Askari very kindly acceded to our request and placed the photoprints of this text at our disposal. We submitted the press-copy to Prof. Askari in 1968 but he retired before its printing could be undertaken. Prof. B. P. Sinha, who succeeded him, arranged for its printing. We acknowledge our sincere thanks to both of them.