The Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute undertook the publication of the Sravakabhūmi as a part of its programme of publishing the entire Yogācārabhūmiśastra of Ācārya Asanga. The Bodhisattvabhūmi has already been published as No. VII of the Tibetan Sanskrit Series of the Institute. The present volume is
now being offered as No. XIV of the same series. The · remaining bhūmis are under preparation.
The learned editor, Dr. Karunesha Shukla has creditably acquitted himself of the difficult undertaking, made still more difficult by the much defective manuscript material in the form of a photostat copy from the original preserved in Tibet. He has, however, far improved the text through comparison and reconstruction. The detailed Introduction, appendices and notes added, will, I think, be of much use to the scholars. I cordially thank Dr.Shukla for allowing us to publish his edition of the Srāvakabhūmi.
It is, however, a matter of regret to me that the entire material prepared by Dr. Shukla far exceeded the original estimate. I have, therefore, very reluctantly to publish the volume in the present form with the hope to include the remaining matters in a separate volume.
I take the opportunity to thank my learned predecessors in office for planning the publication of the