as an outcome of the influence of the Ayurvedic concepts as elucidated in these works.
The various accounts of pratisandhi, the constituents of the being in the stage of the embryo and the account of its various stages1 have been, in spirit at least, taken from the account detailed in the Caraka2 and Suśruta3 Samhitas and the tradition followed by them. Thus while the discussion regarding the various stages of pratisandhi in the YBS resembles that detailed in the Caraka and Suśruta5 Samhitas, the nourishment and other activities of the being in the state of embryo as pointed out in the YBS5 has been literally taken from the corresponding discussions found in these works.
Asanga also gives a detailed description of the
1. YBS, I. 21-30 sq., 49.
2. Caraka, pp. 290-6, 296-300 sq.
3. Suśruta, p. 358 sq. (Suśruta gives the description of Kalala, ghana, pinḍa, peśī arbuda, etc.)., cp. YBS, 1.21 sq., AKB, III. 18-9, pp. 129-30.
4. Kasyapa Samhita, pp. 46-9.
5. तस्यां पुनः षडायतनावस्थायां मातुरभ्यन्तरजातोदारिको रसो येनास्य पुष्टि - भवति । कललाद्यासु पुनः सूक्ष्मतरास्ववस्थासु सूक्ष्मेण रसेन पुष्टिर्वेदितव्या । कबडीकारेण पुनः कामावचराणामेव सत्त्वानां स्थितिर्भवति ।
एव पुनः सूक्ष्मकललादिगतानां सत्त्वानां देवानां च कामावरचराणां । तथा हि । तेषां भुक्तमात्र एवं कबडीकार आहारः काये सर्वाङ्गाङ्ग ेष्वनुविसरजरामापद्यते । न च तेषामुच्चारप्रस्रावः सन्तिष्ठते । Ibid., p. 100.
6. Cf. Caraka, p. 298, para 107, p. 300, Sūtra 27; 307; Suśruta, pp. 354, 359.