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## Dharmadikari - Discussion on the 35 Qualities of a Marganusari
## Yogashastra Pratham Prakash Shloka 46 to 56
**(Safe)** should be kept as a treasure (in times of crisis).’ Many ethicists have said - ‘According to earnings | Four divisions should be made. (Panch Su. 2) One-fourth of one's income should be kept in reserve (safe). One-fourth in interest or business, one-fourth in religious work and consumption, and one-fourth in the maintenance of dependents.’ Some | ethicists say that, ‘Out of the earned amount, more than half should be spent on religious works and the remaining small amount should be actively spent on the work of this world. If a householder spends inappropriately, then just as a disease that grows day by day weakens the body, so too does excessive daily waste | makes a man incapable of all good conduct. It has also been said - that whoever spends excessively like Kubera without keeping an account of income and expenditure, becomes a beggar in a short time.
13. Dress according to wealth - A good householder should wear clothes, • ornaments etc. according to his wealth, status, wealth, age, country, time and caste. Whoever does not dress according to his status or wealth; but shows off by wearing flashy clothes, becomes a laughing stock among people. People | can tell from his flashy or expensive clothes that he must have earned money by dishonesty, injustice, oppression or reprehensible deeds. Or people start suspecting about him that nowadays he must be earning a lot | because he spends so lavishly and wears such fine, expensive clothes. Another meaning of this is that even if there is income, he does not spend it frugally; even though he is wealthy, he wears bad, dirty, torn clothes, then he also becomes an object of censure among people and he cannot become a follower of Dharma.
14. A good householder should possess the eight qualities of intellect - A good householder should possess the following eight qualities of intellect - 1. Shushrusha, 2. Shravan, 3. Grahan, 4. Dharan, 5. Uha, 6. Apoh, 7. Arth-Vigyan and 8. Tattvajnan | Their meaning is as follows - 1. Shushrusha - Desire to listen to Dharma Shastra. 2. Shravan - Listening to Dharma. 3. Grahan - Accepting after listening. 4. Dharan - Keeping it in mind by holding it so that the heard word is not forgotten. 5. Uha - Reasoning about other meanings besides the known meaning. 6. Apoh - Moving away from the opposite meaning from utterance (Shruti), reasoning and experience | or separating oneself from things that harm the soul like violence etc. | Or Uha means general knowledge and Apoh means analysis of special knowledge. 7. Arth-Vigyan - Obtaining specific correct knowledge of the object by removing delusion and doubt through the combination of Uha and Apoh and 8. Tattvajnan - Obtaining pure definite knowledge from a special type of knowledge of Uha | Apoh. Thus, the householder who acquires the intellectual qualities from Shushrusha to Tattvajnan; he never does his own harm. Therefore, a good householder should adopt these eight intellectual qualities as much as possible.
15. Daily Dharma-Shravan-Karta - A good householder should be engaged in listening to Dharma, which is the cause of progress and liberation (Moksha). The mind of those who listen to Dharma daily is very far from restlessness and experiences joy. Its benefits have been told that listening to Dharma - lectures is useful, it is a good saying, it removes the anxiety of a frightened person, | calms the one who is tormented by the three kinds of suffering, the ignorant person gets enlightenment from it and the disorganized, restless mind becomes stable. Therefore, daily Dharma-Shravan is helpful in the progressive growth of qualities in life. There is a slight difference between Shravan (desire to listen) and Shravan (listening) mentioned in the qualities of intellect.
16. Leaving food during indigestion - A good householder should leave food during indigestion. One should not eat new food until the previously eaten food is digested. Because it is said in medical science that indigestion is the root of all diseases and eating during indigestion (indigestion) aggravates the disease. Indigestion can be recognized by its signs. | Bad smell from stool and apanavayu due to their decay, heaviness of the body, loss of appetite, sour and bad belches, these are the signs of indigestion.