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||10|| ||20||
||9|| ||4||
This is the state of equanimity, subtle, with the word of the omniscient, endowed with special potency and knowledge, free from attachment and aversion, and the eleven-fold illumination, the doctrine of non-absolutism, favorable like the wind, even with the fuel of separation, hundreds of millions of beings bowing at his feet, this one is ours, his nails and hairs, roaring in front of him, his autumnal moon-like brilliance, heard first from the life-karma of the Shruta-dependence, hundreds of arrangements are fierce, the Asoka with red leaves, thus in diversity, sharp, this is the first unification, the production, existence, and destruction, etc., are all together, the first, the one-three-fold, thus according to the Shruta,
The noble, the luminous, the pure, the one who dwells in the mountain, the four-cornered, the people who revolve, the three umbrellas are pure, like the mind of the one who is hidden, it burns, and from that, the concentration, the name, the object, only, then, the action that has arisen, there, from the Shruta, taking one, the three worlds, the object, from meditation, the gods of the three heavens, the humans, the name of the Tirthankara, the brilliance, the mass of light, the spread, the illumination, the staff, the shield, the churning, the god, then, that Bhagavan, he does not hold health, at the time of entering Nirvana, not upward, from the absence of the object, the five sense objects,
||4|| ||33|| ||20|| ||27|| ||45|| ||4|| ||38|| ||36|| ||42|| ||13||
||50|| ||29|| ||34|| ||17||
||2|| ||18||
||6|| ||10||
The three walls are high, ||43|| from previous practice,
||12|| the lord of the house, the lord of the plane, ||47|| the circle of the sun, the glorious mockery, ||31|| the death, the famine,
||30|| the five small colors, the rays, ||57|| from the lightness of yoga,
||60|| the word, the mind, the yoga,
||55|| the brilliance of speech, the whole, ||25|| glorious, inconceivable, the powerful,
||53|| all six seasons at the same time, ||35|| the absence of all dependence, ||14|| they move, the blooming, ||32|| they cross, without delay, ||16|| the perfect, the only knowledge,
||49|| having attained the only knowledge, ||23|| they become silent, in that, the ointment, ||39|| by the seasons, then, by the four, it returns, ||52|| the heaven, the liberation, the cause, the dharma,
||1|| the beginning, the infinite, the incomparable, ||6|| with subtle, body yoga, ||54|| the knowledge-covering, the sight, ||22|| the knowable, the diversity, the Shruta, the thought, ||5|| the twelfth illumination, the softness of the Angas, the cause, ||37|| very fickle, very subtle,
||4|| or, from the grace of the guru, ||14|| the light hidden within,
||10|| with a distracted mind, it arises, ||38|| attained by the mind of the self, ||7|| here, the scattered, the coming and going, ||2|| in solitude, very pure, pleasant, ||22|| thus, gradually, the practice,
||5|| absorbed in indifference, ||33|| devoted to indifference,
||19|| like a banana tree, ignorance,
||40|| the instruments, do not stand, ||34|| the karmas, also, the creators of suffering, ||5|| they take, the objects to be taken,
||26|| the form of consciousness, the joyful, ||8|| for a long time, the effort, even, ||45|| the mind, also, wherever, wherever, ||27||
from the birth-after-birth impressions, ||13|| the waking, the dream, the joyful,
||48|| born, in practice, stability, ||46|| there, in the first, the knowledge of the truth, ||15|| those, not from the supreme lord, even, ||54|| lost, the mind, all around, ||36|| not the self, it moves the mind, ||35|| the release, first, the sight,
||31|| the pranayama, etc.,
||17|| for men, the unattainable by effort,
||11|| separate, the self, from the body, ||9|| outside, inside, and all around, ||25|| the external self, having abandoned,
||6|| it becomes, indeed, empty,
||49|| the feelings, touching, even,
||24|| the intoxicated elephant, with effort, ||28|| honey, not sweet, not these, ||52|| liberation, may be, may not be,
||51|| like, the thousand-rayed, ||16|| what this is, that, not to be said, ||21|| when, as, where, from where, ||29|| as long as, the effort, a bit, ||20|| who, in the waking state, ||47|| that, from the scriptures, the mouth of the good guru, ||5|| the form, the beautiful, seeing, even, ||23|| the exhaling, the inhaling, the holding, ||44|| the word, the mind, the body, ||18|| separated, like, the soaked, ||42|| scattered, moving, desired,
||3|| from the ocean of the Shruta, the mouth of the guru, it is heard, the golden nature, ||12|| the inner organ, having become a thorn, ||39|| close, stable, joyful, ||4|| true, in this, the non-attachment, the attachment, ||53|| with equal, sense-organs, snakes, ||43|| everywhere, spread, ||32||
||7|| ||58||
||9|| ||44|| ||40|| ||11|| ||21|| ||26|| ||56|| ||15|| ||19|| ||28|| ||48|| ||46|| ||51|| ||24||
||3|| ||8|| ||59|| ||37||