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## Dharana and its Fruits
**Yoga Shastra, Pancham Prakash, Shlokas 32 to 39**
Draw the mind inwards through the left nostril and bring it to the big toe, restraining it there. Then, gradually move the mind along with the breath to the sole of the foot, the heel, the ankle, the shin, the knee, the thigh, the anus, the penis, the navel, the stomach, the heart, the throat, the tongue, the palate, the tip of the nose, the brow, the skull, and finally to the Brahmarandhra. After that, return in the same order, finally bringing the breath to the big toe along with the mind, then to the navel, and then exhale. || 27-31 ||
Now, four shlokas describe the fruits of Dharana.
**Fruits of Dharana:**
* **Shloka 32:** Holding the breath in the big toe, heel, ankle, shin, knee, thigh, anus, and penis, respectively, leads to swiftness and strength.
* **Shloka 33:** Holding the breath in the navel removes fever, holding it in the stomach purifies the body, holding it in the heart increases knowledge, and holding it in the Kourma Nadi destroys disease and old age, maintaining youthful vigor even in old age.
* **Shloka 34:** Holding the breath in the throat eliminates hunger and thirst, holding it at the tip of the tongue grants knowledge of all tastes, holding it at the tip of the nose grants knowledge of smell, and holding it in the eyes grants knowledge of form.
* **Shloka 35:** Holding the breath in the skull and brain destroys brain-related diseases, pacifies anger, and holding it in the Brahmarandhra grants direct vision of the Siddhas. || 32-35 ||
**Concluding Dharana and Describing the Movement of Prana:**
* **Shloka 36:** Dharana is the ultimate cause of Siddhis. By practicing it in this way, one should strive to understand the movement of Prana without any doubt. || 36 ||
**General Siddhis:**
* **Shloka 37:** The outward movement of Prana from the navel is called "Char," bringing it to the center of the heart is called "Gati," and its dwelling in the Brahmarandhra should be understood as its "Sthana." || 37 ||
**Fruits of the Knowledge of Char, Gati, and Sthana:**
* **Shloka 38:** By practicing the knowledge of Char, Gati, and Sthana, one can understand time (death), lifespan, and the rise of auspicious and inauspicious fruits. || 38 ||
**Further Instructions:**
* **Shloka 39:** Then, gradually, the Yogi should draw the mind along with the breath and place it within the lotus of the heart, controlling it. || 39 ||
**Fruits of this Practice:**