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## Discussion on Guru's Expectations
**Chapter 3 of Yoga Shastra, Verse 129**
**10.** Touch the Oghas with both hands and pronounce the sound "A" while doing so.
**11.** Then, turn both hands towards the face and touch the forehead while pronouncing the sound "O".
**12.** After that, touch the Oghas with both hands and pronounce "Ka", then touch the forehead while pronouncing "Ya".
**13.** Again, touch the Oghas while pronouncing "Ka" for the third time and touch the forehead while pronouncing "Ya".
**14.** Then, pronounce "Samphasan" and offer salutations to the Rajoharan with both hands and the head. Raise the head, join both hands and ask "Sukhsata" (well-being).
**15.** Say "Khamanijjo bhe kilamo appa kilantanam bahusu bhen bhe divaso (divaso, pakkho, variso wa) vaikkantto yon" and remain silent for a moment.
**16.** When the Guru Maharaj says "Tatti", then ask about "Sanayamaatra" and "Yapanika" (freedom from the control of senses and mind). At that time, repeat the three cycles as before and incorporate the sounds.
**17.** A question arises: How should this sound yoga be established for a slow-witted disciple to show grace and favor? The answer is: Establish it by pronouncing with skill using the low, high, and medium sounds (voices).
**18.** Establish the low (Anudatta) sound on the Rajoharan, the high (Udatta) sound on the forehead, and the medium (Svarita) sound in between.
**19.** Pronounce the letter "Ja" with the Anudatta sound, "Tta" with the Svarita sound, and "Bhe" with the Udatta sound. Similarly, pronounce the three letters "Ja-Va-Ni" with the Anudatta, etc. sounds.
**20.** For the third time, pronounce "Jj" with the Anudatta sound, "Ch" with the Svarita sound, and "Bhe" with the Udatta sound. Similarly, pronounce with the appropriate sound while touching the Rajoharan in the middle and the forehead.
**21.** The first three cycles have two letters each, and the subsequent three cycles have three letters each.
**22.** Knowing the nature of the cycles, when the other disciple tells you, touch the Rajoharan with both hands and pronounce "Ja" in the middle, "Tta" and "Bhe" on the forehead, and then listen to the Guru's words.
**23.** When the Guru says "Tubbhan pi vattae", then complete the remaining two cycles together and remain silent until the Guru says "Evan".
**24.** After the Guru says "Evan", the disciple should make anjali mudra with both hands on the Rajoharan and say "Khamem, Khamasamano Devasian Vaikkaman" etc. with humility.
**25.** Later, when the Guru says "Ahamvi Khamem Tum" and grants forgiveness, the disciple should say "Avassiae" and leave the Avgraha.
**26.** Then, bend the body and seek forgiveness for all offenses, condemn, criticize, and abandon all faults. Perform the Pratikraman-Prayashchitta in this way.
**27.** Similarly, with humility, perform the three Gupti and seek forgiveness for the first time. Then, perform the second Vandana in the same way. In this, also seek Avgraha, entry, etc., all as before. There are two Vandanas, two Avanta, and two Praveshas.
**28.** In the first Pravesha, there are six cycles, and in the second Pravesha, there are six cycles. Understand that there are twelve cycles from pronouncing the letters "A" etc. separately.
**29.** In the first Pravesha, bow the head twice, and in the second, also bow the head twice. This makes four head bows and one Nishkraman.
**30.** There is one Yathajat and three Gus, making a total of four. Combining these four with the rest, there are a total of twenty-five essentials.
**The thirty-three expectations of the Guru - Tittisannayarae - Vandanasutra - have already been discussed earlier. Here, we explain those thirty-three expectations related to the Guru in detail:**
**1.** If the disciple walks ahead of the Guru without any purpose, it is considered an expectation violation called "Vinayabhang". If it is to show the way or to help an elderly person, blind person, etc., then it is not a fault.
**2.** Walking on the right or left side of the Guru.
**3.** Walking directly behind the Guru. This is considered an expectation violation because it is possible for exhalation, sneezing, phlegm, etc., to fall on the Guru's body.
**4-5-6.** Similarly, standing too close in front, behind, or at the same level is considered three expectation violations.
**7-8-9.** Similarly, sitting too close in front, behind, or at the same level, together, or directly next to the Guru is also considered three expectation violations.
**10.** If the disciple goes to a place with the Guru or Acharya, and goes there first and purifies the body first, it is considered an expectation violation called "Achman".
**11.** If the disciple talks to someone while the Guru is talking, it is considered an expectation violation called "Puralapan".
**12.** If the disciple goes out with the Acharya but returns early and criticizes the journey, it is considered an expectation violation called "Gamana-Gaman Ki Alochana".