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## Opinions of Other Dharma Shastras and Ayurveda Shastra Regarding the Abandonment of Night Meals
**Yoga Shastra, Third Light, Verses 54-59**
Many microscopic beings enter food, therefore, that food does not remain devoid of life. In the Nisheeth commentary, it is stated that "Even though sweets and other dry and cooked substances are prepared during the day and not at night, still, tiny creatures like Kunthua, Kai-Phulan (Panak) etc. are not visible even at night, therefore, they should not be eaten." A Pratyakshagyani (direct knower), Kevalgyani (omniscient) and Sarvagya (all-knowing) can know or see those microscopic beings with their knowledge power; yet they do not eat at night. Although ants and other creatures are visible in the light of lamps etc., many times, while eating at night, tiny flying creatures fall into the light of lamps etc. or into the food and die, therefore, specific knowers have not accepted or prescribed night meals due to the possibility of violating the Mulavrat (fundamental vow) of Ahimsa (non-violence). || 53 ||
**In this regard, it is stated:**
**225.** Dharmavinnaiva Bhunjeet, Kadachan Dinatyaye. Baahya Api Nisha Bhojya, Yadabhojya Prachakshate. || 54 ||
**Meaning:** Those who do not follow the Jain teachings, other opinionated people, also call night meals as inedible. Therefore, a Dharmagyani Shravak should never eat after sunset. || 54 ||
**Meaning:** Other opinionated scriptures prohibit night meals after sunset.
**226.** Trayitejomayo Bhanur iti Vedavido Viduh. Tatkarai: Puutamkhilam Shubham Karma Samacharet. || 55 ||
**Meaning:** Knowers of the Vedas consider the Sun to be imbued with the brilliance of the three Vedas - Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, and Sama Veda. Therefore, one of the names of the Sun is 'Trayitanu'. Hence, one should perform only those auspicious deeds that are purified by the rays of the Sun. In their absence, one should not perform auspicious deeds. || 55 ||
**Continuing the same point:**
**227.** Naivahutir na cha Snaanam na Shraddham Devatarchanam. Danam Vaavihitam Ratrau Bhojanam tu Visheshatah. || 56 ||
**Meaning:** Offering oblations (ahutis) i.e., putting firewood etc. into the fire, bathing, cleansing the body, Shraddha Karma - worship of ancestors and other deities, worship of deities, charity, sacrifices, etc. auspicious deeds, especially night meals, are not prescribed; they are not to be done. || 56 ||
**Here, the question arises that it is heard that night meals are beneficial; and it is not possible without eating at night. In response to this, this verse is presented:**
**228.** Divasyashtame Bhaage, Mandibute Diwakare. Naktam tu Tad Vijaniyat, Na Naktam Nishibhojanam. || 57 ||
**Meaning:** When the Sun becomes weak in the eighth part of the day, that should be known as 'Naktam'. 'Naktam' does not mean night meals. || 57 ||
**Explanation:** The meal taken in the eighth part of the day, i.e., in the last half of the day, is called 'Naktam'. The meaning of a word can be understood in two ways - primarily and secondarily. Sometimes, one should act primarily according to one meaning and sometimes, if there is an obstacle in acting primarily according to one meaning, then one should act according to the secondary meaning. Here, there is an obstacle according to the scriptures, because night meals are prohibited in the scriptures, i.e., the secondary meaning of 'Naktam' is - a little bit of the day remaining, eating at that time. Here, the word 'Naktam' is primarily used for night meals, therefore, one should act according to the secondary meaning of 'Naktam'. One should eat when the Sun is weak - in the eighth part of the day; that should be understood as 'Naktam' meals. The conclusion is that due to the prohibition of the primary meaning, 'Naktam' should not mean night meals. Where else are night meals prohibited in other scriptures? || 57 ||
**This is explained in two verses:**
**229.** Devaistu Bhuktam Puraahne, Madhyahne Rishibhistatha. Aparaahna cha Pitribhih, Sayaahne Daitya Danavaih. || 58 ||
**230.** Sandhyaayam Yaksha Rakshobhih Sada Bhuktam Kulodvah! Sarvavelaam Vyatikramya, Ratrau Bhuktamabhojanam. || 59 ||
**Meaning:** Devas eat in the first watch of the day, Rishis eat at midday (noon), Pitras eat in the third watch of the day, and Daitya Danavas eat in the evening (twilight); day and night,