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Veneration Sutra Residual Text Discourse, Meaning of Agamic Verses on Veneration Procedure, Discourse on Guru's Aspiration, Meaning of Alochana Patha, Meaning of Alochana Patha, Meaning of Alochana Patha and Abbhutthiyas Sutra, Meaning of the Word Pratikramana, Discourse, Benefit of Veneration, General Form of Pratikramana, Procedure of Daily, Nightly and Fortnightly Pratikramana, Defects of Kayotsarga, Explanation of Pratakhyana, Explanation of the Refuges of 'Namukkarasahiya' (Nokarasī) Porasi Paccakkhaṇa, Paurusi and 'Purimai' - Text of Paccakkhaṇa and its Discourse, Discourse on Ekāsana-Ekalatthaṇa, Text and Discourse of Āyambila and Abbhattaṭṭha (Upavāsa) Paccakkhaṇa, Text and Discourse of Āyambila and Abbhattaṭṭha (Upavāsa) Paccakkhaṇa, Nature of Pani, Carama and Abhiggraha Paccakkhaṇa, Text and Explanation of Abhiggaha and Vigga'i Paccakkhaṇa, Enumeration of the Refuges of all Paccakkhaṇas and Method of Purification of Pratakhyana, Layman's Conduct before and after Sleep, Example of Sthulabahadra Muni, Mutual Enmity between Sakatala Minister and Vararuci Pandit, Sthulabahadra's Detachment from the World and Vararuci's Corruption by Upakosa, Vararuci's Death - Sthulabahadra's Successful Chaturmas at the Courtesan's Place, Sthulabahadra Muni's Successful Chaturmas at the Courtesan's Place, Awakening of the Hermit in the Lion Cave and the Charioteer by Kosa, Sthulabahadra Muni with Acharya Bhadrabahu Swami, Study of the Twelfth Anga by Sthulabahadra Muni from Acharya Bhadrabahu Swami, True Nature of a Woman's Body and its Abhorrent Condition, Contemplation on the Miserable Condition of Various Modes of Existence and Steadfastness in Adversities, Story of Kamadeva, Kamadeva the Layman Passing the Severe Test by the Devas, Description of the 6 Aspirations of a Layman, 11 Pratimas of a Layman: Characteristics, Place, Procedure and Transgressions, Discourse on Sanlekhana, Parisha Form and 22 Parishas, Last Rites of Ananda Shravaka, Story of Ananda Shravaka, Future Auspicious Destiny of a Householder Observing Shravakadharma, Future Auspicious Destiny of a Householder Observing Shravakadharma, Nature, Divisions-Subdivisions and Discourse on Kashayas, Nature of Anger, its Evil Consequences and Means to Conquer it, Nature of Mana Kashaya and its Ill Effects, Nature of Mardava and Maya and their Consequences, Nature of Maya and Simplicity, Greatness of Simplicity and Nature of Lobha Kashaya, Main Means to Conquer Lobha - Cultivation of Contentment, Victory over the Four Kashayas and Description of Sense Control, Story of King Sudama, Defects of Senses and Victory over Them, Uncontrolled Mind and Means to Restrain It, Victory over the Mind, Importance of Mental Purity and Description of Leshya, Description of Mental Purity, Means to Protect the Mind from Intense Attachment-Aversion and Means of Karmic Destruction - Equanimity, Description of Equanimity, Greatness of Equanimity, 'Nature of Bhavana', Nature of Anitya Bhavana, Bhavana of Asharana and Samsara, Bhavana of Samsara, Suffering of Nargati, Suffering of Tiryancagati, Suffering of Manushya and Devagati, Ekatva Bhavana, Avyakta Bhavana, Ashuchi Bhavana, Ashrava Bhavana, Nature of Ashrava Bhavana - Causes of the Eight Karmas.