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## Examples of Violent Scriptures
**Yoga Shastra, Second Light, Verses 39-46**
**38.** A non-violent animal, if it has good intentions, can attain liberation through non-action and non-attachment. But how can a Brahmin who performs animal sacrifice or encourages it in a Yajna attain liberation?
**39.** In conclusion, it is said: "Those who kill beings out of cruelty, under the pretext of offering to the gods or performing Yajna, go to terrible hell."
**Explanation:** They kill beings for offering to deities like Bhairava, Chandi, etc., or for offerings on festivals like Mahanavami, Magha Ashtami, Chaitra Ashtami, Shravan Shukla Ekadashi, etc. They go to terrible hells like Naraka. Here, the reason for offering to deities is specifically mentioned. And in conclusion, it is said, "Under the pretext of Yajna." When there are faultless and independent means of Dharma practice, then holding on to faulty and dependent means of Dharma practice is never considered beneficial. Why go to the mountain for a sage when you can find one in the courtyard of your house?
**40.** It is a matter of great regret that those with dull intellect have abandoned Dharma, which is rooted in peace, good conduct, and compassion, and has the welfare of the world as its goal, and have declared violence as the cause of Dharma.
**Explanation:** Peace, which is victory over passions and senses, good conduct, which is beautiful nature, and compassion, which is kindness towards beings, these three are the roots of Dharma. Such Dharma is the cause of progress (worldly prosperity) and liberation (spiritual liberation or Moksha). This kind of Dharma is beneficial for the world. But it is regrettable that they abandon the means of such peaceful Dharma and declare violence as the means of Dharma, neglecting the real means of Dharma. The dullness of those who present this distorted view is evident.
**41-46.** Up to this point, we have condemned the violence motivated by greed, which is done for the sake of peace, the violence that is traditional, the violence that is done in Yajna, and the violence that is done for the sake of offerings to deities. Now, the discussion regarding violence related to ancestor worship remains. We present it in the following six verses, taking it verbatim from another scripture (the third chapter of Manusmriti).
**41.** I will explain in detail the offering of Havir (oblation) to the ancestors, which is prescribed for a long time and for eternity.
**42.** The ancestors of humans are pleased for one month by the offering of sesame seeds, rice, barley, black gram, water, roots, and fruits, given according to the prescribed rituals.
**43.** They are pleased for two months by the offering of fish meat, for three months by the offering of deer meat, for four months by the offering of antelope meat, and for five months by the offering of bird meat.
**44.** They are pleased for six months by the offering of goat meat, for seven months by the offering of sheep meat, for eight months by the offering of ox meat, and for nine months by the offering of buffalo meat.
**45.** They are pleased for ten months by the offering of boar and buffalo meat, for eleven months by the offering of rabbit and hare meat.
**46.** They are pleased for a year by the offering of cow meat, milk, and milk pudding, and for twelve years by the offering of the meat of a wild boar.
**(Manusmriti 3/266-271)**
**Explanation:** The ancestors are pleased by the offering of Havir (oblation), which is prescribed for a long time and for eternity, given to them according to the prescribed rituals. What is the ritual of ancestor worship? I will explain it completely.