THE present edition of the Prabhâvakacharita is based on four manuscripts. Two of them were kindly borrowed for me by my friend Lala Jaswant Rai Jaini of Lahore, one from Pâtan and the other from Hoshiarpur (Punjab) Bhandara (collection )Third copy I got from a Jaina library at Jandiala (Punjab) and fourth from the Deccan College Library Poona. In the foot notes, where different readings are given, they have respectively been designated by P., H., J and D, the initial letters of the names of these towns. Unfortunately none of these manuscripts is correct, consequently this edition is far from being satisfactory. The Patan manuscript proved best and has been mostly followed. If in future I succeeded in securing more accurate copies I shall not fail to present to the literary public a revised edition of this highly interesting text or at least publish an addenda corrigenda and give corrections of the mistakes which, conjectural emendations not being resorted to, I am afraid, may be numerous.
Here I must record sincere gratefulness to the said Lâla Jaswant Rai but for whose help and initiative this edition would perhaps have never appeared.
LAHORE, 25-7-09.