5. The first half of the line lacks one ATAT; 5-7 show that both the friends become goddesses. 9-10, one whole sentence grour fa (1. 4.) subject zafè (1. 14) and ifa (1. 15 ) verbs.
9. 97-98 dalo srig etc = sk, Reni tata sia ATHRÚT GOzariy (loc. absl.).
10. fer alfafa-Having known the past.
15. Better yeziu for grarut in the text: to the place of gods, [K. 4.]
_णियंतहो is wrong: Read सयलणिसंतहो-of the whole harem sk. staigret. cf. Sandhi 9. I. 10.
12. हरिसें पेल्लिय-sk. हर्षेण प्रेरिता because she got the opportunity to kill her cowife.
14. forfat-T. gives me a cart'. She could not move; she saw her with her eyes; she was like a cart tied to a post. cf. J. eft tying post for a domestic animal. [K. 5.)
I. Read feng = sk, aftan. 13. Rf3 = sk, Enfufga:
14. Read qoraig y gmg TA3 fay unless both the king and the queen are to be taken as the subject; perhaps it would be abrupt in the context.
15. fotot dau = sk. fara áfegu. [K. 6.]
1. Read agt i.e. of the trutyior
6. B. while AC. TH3; from the stand-point of meaning both mean the same,
8. C. अश्वब्भुयभाविणि is better.
10. deoafery; the reading in ABC. are the same without much variation for the purpose of bowing down 'sk. d . [K. 8. ]
3.4. अरुहभासिओ is the adj. of धम्मु.