The Eleventh Anga
[ II. Lects. 2-10.
so it is, so it is.” (End of the Tenth Lecture of the Second Book called " The Fruits of Good "Acts.")
End of the Second Book of the Eleventh Anga
called Vivāgasuyam.
End of the Eleventh Anga
called Vivāgasuyam.
A Bow to the Suyadevatā* : There are two books of the Vivagasuyam viz. Duhavivāgā--the Fruits of Bad Acts, and Subavivāgā—the Fruits of Good Acts. In Dubavivāgā there are ten lectures each having only one chapter and they are to be studied in ten days. The same is the case with Subavivāgā. ( Here the rest is to be supplied exactly as in the case of the Ãyāra i.e. the Ãchārānga Sûtra. )
Suyadevatā ( Sk. Shrutadevata ) the deity presie ding over the Shruta or the Sacred Literature.