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Vivāgasuyam. the high road, and there he saw (exactly as before $.9, down to elephants, horses and a man amidst the crowdi of men. The same thought occured to him and: asked exactly as before the account of that man's former birth, and reverend Mahāvīra replied: “ Truly, oh, Goyama / at that time and at that period there was a city named Savvatobhadda in the country of Bhāraha in this very continent of Jambu, which was prosperous, well-protected and happy. In that city of Savvattobhadda there was a king named Jiyasatta. That king Jiyasattû had a family priest named Mahesaradatta who was well-versed in Riuvveya-Rgveda (4) down to Atthavvana-Attharvaveda. Then that familypriest Mahesaradatta, for the increase of the strength and kingdom of king Jiyasatti, .got captured every morning one son of a Brahmin, one son of a Kshtriya, one son of a merchantVais'ya, and one son of a low-caste-Sudra, and got their hearts to be taken out while they were actually alive and, thus gave offerings for the well-being of king Jiyasattû. Then that family priest Mahesaadatta used to get captured and get the hearts to be taken out, of two Brahmins, two Kshatriyas two Vais'yas and two S’udras on the eighth and the fourteenth days of the month; four Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vais'yas and S'udras every four months, eight every six months and sixteen every year. And, whenever king Jiyasattîn was engaged in fighting with his enemy's army, the family priest Mahesaradatta used to get captured eight