$ 10. ] Vivāgasuyam. having lone so he through the midst of the city of Vāniyagātos ( here the rest to be supplied down to ) showed it (the aims to his preceptor Lord Mahavira etc. and ) having bowed down and saluted reverend Mahāvīra he spoke thus : 6 Oh, Venerable Sir, I being permitted by you (icent to ) Vāniyagāma (and here he tells everything that had happened ). Then he asked : " Oh, Venerable Sir, who was that man in his former birth ? (here the whole occount of Ujziyaya to be supplieit down to ) experiences (hell-like miseries ).
The Samana roplied : “ Truly, oh, Goyama at that time and at that period in this very Bhāraha country in the continent of Jambû there was a city named Hatthināura which was prosperous (here the rest to be supplied ). In that city of Hatthināura there was a king named Sunanda who was as powerful as the mountain Mahayā. There all his remaining epithets to be supplied ). In that city of Hatthināura, in its innermost: part there was a shed of COWS supported on bundreds of pillars and very pleasant (3). There dwelt happily, free from fear and without any hardships, many cattle of the city--the cows of the city and the bulls of the city and the ballocks of the city and the calves of the city, having masters or having no masters, who got plenty of grass and water. In that city of Hatthināura there was, indeed, a formidable cattle-entrapper