11. आर्थविलं [आचाम्ल] अभयदेव Com. अणु० P. 107. 'भायंबिल'ति शुद्धोदनादि ।, It means — dry food, such as rice, pulse moistened or boiled in water without adding to it ghee or such substances. Jain writers derive it from आचाम्ल [ See. पाइयसहमहण्णवो and Ardha-magadhi Dictionary-Ratnachandraji 1 but it is a made-up unintelligible Sanskrit equivalent. Barnett suggests आ+अम्ल with य् as श्रुति consonant.
55. 1. पुव्वरत्तावरत्तकाले--अभयदेव on भगवती II. 1. सू. 94. पूर्वरात्रश्च रात्रेः पूर्वः भागः, अपररात्रश्च अपकृष्टा रात्रिः पश्चिमतद्भाग इत्यर्थः, तल्लक्षणो यः कालसमयः कालात्मकः समयः स तथा तत्र, अथवा पूर्वरात्रापररात्रकालसमय इत्यत्र रेफलोपात् 'पुव्वरत्तावरत्तकालसमयंसि 'त्ति स्याद् । ( leaf 127 (a)) 2. उठाणे-energy [५] i-e उहाणे कम्मे बले वीरिए पुरिसक्कारपरक्कमे.
57, 4. कणगावली तपोकम्मं [ कनकावलीतपःकम ] This penance is slightly different from that it will be 2, 3, 4, 8x4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 34x4, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 8x4, 4, 3. 2. This is Barnett's arrangement. अभयदव's will be by filling up the forefasts and the jewelpendant by 3 instead of 2 in the chart of रत्नावली. अभयदेव's arrangenment is better as it will consider पारणक days. The period of one series 1 year 5 months, 12 days & nights. Such four series.
57. 12. खुड्डागं सीहनिक्कीलियं [क्षुद्रक सिंहनिष्क्रीडितं] This penance is so named due to its mathematical