Thus, in all, in four series there will be 5 years, 2 months and 28 days.
Now coming to 's arrangement, he says: तत्र चतुर्थमेकेनोपवासेन षष्ठं द्वाभ्यामष्टमं त्रिभिः । etc. (P. 101 ). Thus in giving up four meals, there will be the full fast of only one day as on the first day the last only one meal is abandoned and on day also the same. Hence as on these two days there is not the full fast of two meals, they are not to be considered in calculation; hence
1 fast-day; 3-2 fast-days.. teftag=16 days and so forth runs his arrangement chart according to and, if we follow up the instruction as given in the commentary, will be as on P. 113 Notes.
A, and B. in the chart are काहलिकrs while C. is a big jewel-pendant. It should be observed that Barnett's arrangement does not take into be cosideration the days which ought to considered, whereas a's arrangement takes Therefore the R-days into consideration. a's arrangement seems to be proper and more in keeping than Barnett's given in the beginning. 55. 5. विगइवज्जं [ विकृतिवर्जे] having abandoned that suffers the विगइ-foods. विगइ - any eatable a change, such as milk, curds etc. Jainas believe that these things contain microscopic living orga