AT. &. C.) 26. 13. HOTE=all along in the text FORTE; E is generally interpreted as sfa by 32ga followed accordingly by others. Just as in Sanskrit, it was generally the way of pronouncing the last letter ga, while addressing (See, #10 chap. JI verse. ) Similarly it may be that guere may be the whole expression. The instance of the use of s=ofo is found on 29• P. 75. 1. 2. 2. Er gar etc. where the protagonists of s=sfa may try to interpret it as such. Hem. does not note s=fa. It is peculiar that in the sentence resumed after quets, quer as a term of address is repeated.
27. 8. Ho is to be taken as equivalent to Tack to represent the present. 24. arferans [afegurवेलायाम् ] may be वेयालिं from वेलायां by metathesis.
28. 1. HEHET=Barnett offers following remarks, “The mention of ighest in our text is interesting By this name is evidently meant the southern city of age where the Pandiyan dynasty was ruling in the 6th century B. C., and probably earlier. The Pandiyans however were not Pandavas; and the sain identification of the two dynasties is probably based on popular etymology. A like attempt to connect the two families occurs in the Tamil chronicle given in Taylor's Oriental Historical Mss.' Vol. i, P. 195 et. seq., which states that Madura in the time of the