12. 19-24. My translation of these lines differs from the interpretation of end for which see. Page. 90-91; translation page. 16-17.
19. 7. खेलासवा [लेष्माश्रवः] in which the phlegm
oozes out.
17. 26. कहल्लेणं - अभयदेव gives 'कर्परेण' cf. अणु० P. 75, 1. 15. भज्जणयकभल्ले where कपालं, घटादिकर्परं are given as equivalents by ana (eg. com, P. 109.) cf. Guj. कल्दाडुं.
18 9. आवरणिज्जाणं कम्माणं खएणं [ आवरणीयाणां कर्मणां By the destruction of the actions that cover the soul,
18. 10. अपुव्वकरण - This is the eighth गुणस्थानक or stage in the soul's progress towards the release; the soul here breaks the bonds of error passion and that which checks its knowledge and vision,
22 2-5. Barnett translates: 'It will be known by the Saint, heard by the Saint, reached by the Saint; and to Kanha Vasudeva it is not known; Kanha Vasudeva will bring me to some evil end.' अमयदेव differs; my translation follows अभयदेव. 10. टियए चेव ठिइमेयं on P. 21. 15 टियए चेव ठिइभेएर्ण where अभयदेव gives the meaning आयुः क्षयेण; my interpretation is different; see Translation.
17. पाणेहिं=Barnett 'hooks'; I take = चंडालै: (दे. ना.