56 city of Sāvatthī; the period twenty-seven years...beatified on the Vipula.
So also the householder Meha...the city of Rāyagiha...the period many years;... beatified on the Vipula.
In that age, at that time there was a city of Polasapura. The garden was Sirivana. In that city of Polāsapura, there was a King by the name of Vijaya. This King Vijaya had a queen named Siri [a description ). This King Vijaya had a son by himself through Queen Siri— a prince named Aimutta, delicate [etc.].
In that age, at that time, the Ascetic, Lord Mahāvīra ( until ] abode in Sirivana, In that age, at that time, the eldest disciple of the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra ( as in Pannattī [ until ]) moved about in the city of Polasapura in the families, high [etc). Now this Prince Aimutta, bathed (until] decked surrounded by many little boys, little girls, lads, lasses, youths, maidens went out of his own house. Then the reverened Goyama, moving about in the city of Pola sapura, made his way not very far from the Place of Indra. Now that Prince