not eating, achieved the end for which she did... (until] beatified. [Sūtra 13.]
In that age, at that time; a city of Rayagiha; the sanctuary Gunasila-a; king Seniya... There dwelt z householder named Kāsava. Just like Makāi. The period sixteen years... beatified on the Vipula.
So also the householder Khema-a. Excepti. ng, the city of Káyandi. The period sixteen years. .. beatified on the Mount Vipula.
So also the house-holder Dhi-i-hara. .. In the city of Kāyandı. ..period sixteen years...was beatified on the Vipula.
. So also the house-holder Kelasa. Exceptting, Sage-a was the city. The period twelve years...was beatified on the Vipula.
So also the house-holder Harichandana... Sage-a... the period twelve years...was beatified on the Vipula.
So also the householder Vāratta ... Except. ing, the city of Rāyagiha... the period twelve years...beatified on the Vipula.
So also the householder Sudamsaņa... in the city of Savatthi... the period many years... beatified on the Vipula.
So also the householder Supaittha.., in the