53 ving north [etc,), plucked himself his hair in five handfuls, became a friar (until] abode. Then that Friar Ajjuņaya on the day on which he shaved himself [until] entered the order, praised and worshipped the Ascetic, Lord Mahāvīra and took the vow of this sort “ It behoves me, for all my life to abide exercising myself in constant mortification with fasts until the sixth meal.” With this idea he took the vow of such sort and abode [etc.] all his life. Then that Friar Ajjunaya on the fast-breaking time after the fasts until the sixth meal, read his lection in the first watch. Just like Goyama [etc.] he wandered about.
Then to that Friar Ajjunaya, wandering in the families high [etc.] in the city of Rāyagiha, many women, men, young people, old people and youths said, “ By this man was ny father killed; by him my mother... h:other, sister, wife, son, daughter, daughter -1 -14iv [etc.]...by him, my other kinsmen, relations and retainers.” So some abused him; some caviled at him; chided, censured, rebuked, reviled, look down upon him in contempt, struck at him. Then that Friar Ajjunaya, abused [until] struck at, by many