Then that garland-maker, Ajjunaya said thus to the worshipper of the Ascetic, Sudamsana.
"I too desire then, Beloved of Gods, to come with you to offer my respects to the Ascetic, Lord Mahavira [until] wait before him. If it please you, Beloved of Gods, do not put a stop to me.
Then that worshipper of the Ascetic, Sudamsana, with the garland-maker, Ajjunaya, arrived at the sanctuary Gunasila-a before the Ascetic Lord Mahavīra, ( walked from right to right about) the Ascetic Lord Mahavira thrice, [until] waited before him. Then the Ascetic, Lord Mahāvīra (preached) the story of the doctrine to the (congrega. tion) to the garland-maker Ajjunaya and the worshipper of the Ascetic, Sudamsana [etc.] Sudamsana went back.
Then the garland-maker, Ajjunaya, on hearing and listening to the doctrine from the Ascetic, Lord Mahāvīra...[glad etc.]...“ I have faith, sir, in Niggantha doctrine [until] stand by it. If it please you, Beloved of Gods, do not put a stop to me.
Then that garland-maker Ajjunaya, mo