him and said "I intend, Sir, on being per mitted by you to abide observing the Great Standard of one night in the cemetary of Mahikāla. If it please you, Beloved of Gods, do not put a stop."
So Friar Gayasukumala, on being per mitted by the saint Aritṭhanemi praised and worshipped him and started out from the Sahasambavana park from the presence of the saint Aritthanemi, and went to the cemetary of Mahakala, looked for clean spot and abo de observing the Great Standard of one night, his body bent a little forward [ until] his two feet placed together.
Now Brahmana Somila went towards the east, outside the city of Baravai for sacrificial faggots, gathered samidh-fuels, Darbha -grass and pluckd-up leaves; then he returned thence. Passing not very near or far from the cemetary of Mahākāla, at the time of evening twilight when very few men were about, he saw Friar Gayasukumāla. Then he remembered his spite, became quickly enraged, angry, raging, hot and burning to the quick and said thus " This is Prince Gayasukumala, desirous of the undesirable [until].