Then that Gayasukumāla so spoken by Kanha Vasudeva stood in silence. Then that Gayasukumala spoke thus twice or thrice to the father and mother and Kanha Vasudeva. “ Thus verily, Beloved of Gods, these delights of mortal love, which make the phlegm stream out [ etc ). are to be abandoned. I desire, therefore, Beloved of Gods, on being permitted by you to go to the order [etc).”
Then Kanha Vāsudeva, and his father and mother, when were not able to prevail upon him by many expressions in accord: (with sense-enjoyments etc) said thus to him únwillingly "We are desirous, child, then to see you in royal state for but one day.” Here is to be told the withdrawal from this world as in the case of Mahabbala ( until ] according to their bidding (until] abstained.
So Gayasukumala became a friar heedful in walking [until] guarded in celibacy. Now in the first part of the afternoon of the same day on which he went into the order, he went to the place where the Saint Aritthanemi was, thrice walked round him from right to right, praised and worshipped.